Kestrel felt her eyes widen, surprised that this was her princess's idea. "That too will come naturally. I believe that sex is something that is programmed into our bodies just as it is with animals no matter how many men or women disagree," she said before continuing in a lower tone, "Between you and me, I think that if we lived as one with men, we would not have to rely on a ceremony to lay with one another. No one really talks about how pleasurable it is as most believe the subject is taboo. I personally believe that the lies of men were fed to us to keep us away from them."

Rowan gasped, "Why do you believe that?" She could not fathom such a thought even though deep down she already knew this to be true. She had seen how men and woman naturally complimented one another first hand.

Kestrel shrugged, "That I have no answer for. My only guess is that when the old world fell, men and women would do anything to keep us away from one another and planting false beliefs in our minds would help their cause."

Rowan scoffed, "Looks like it worked." She could not hide the fact that she was slightly angry at the truth that Kestrel's words carried. It frustrated her as she thought about what her life could be like if men and women lived together in peace. Do I have any siblings? A brother? What was my father like?

Many thoughts clouded her mind and she was only brought back to reality when Kestrel had started to dry herself off.

"Let us keep what we talked about between us?" she asked, combing through her hair.

Rowan nodded and placed her hands on the edge of the pool, pushing herself out of the water. "Thank you for answering my questions Kestrel. I really appreciate it," she said kindly, drying off her own body.

Kestrel smiled and nodded before slipping on her nightclothes and leaving Rowan alone in the humid room with her thoughts.

Rowan quickly got dressed and quietly left the bathhouse and made her way to her room. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she did not even realize that someone was behind her as she navigated the vast corridors.

It was only when she stopped to open her bedroom door that she noticed the man standing a few feet away to her right. She whipped around and automatically reached for her blade to only remember that it was still in its sheath on her dresser.

"Good evening," King Olfriq greeted, "Can I have a word?" He stood straight with his hands behind his back. He still wore his leather armor laced with chainmail and a thick cape. Rowan eyed Bjorn's father over, noticing how similar they looked. His eyes bore into hers and she had a feeling that what he was about to say would not be a pleasant exchange.

She felt immodest standing before the King of Rorik in just her nightgown but nodded her head curtly, "You may, but can I grab a robe from inside?" she asked, tilting her head towards her door. King Olfriq motioned her with his hand and she quickly darted inside and snatched her robe off of her bed post and slipped it on, wrapping it tightly around her body before meeting him in the hallway.

"Is something wrong?" she asked as she closed her door gently behind her.

She was surprised when King Olfriq scoffed, "Yes actually, there is."

Rowan bit the inside of her lip to refrain herself from saying something she would regret before she continued, "If this is a problem dealing with the Daughters of the Glade then I suggest you speak to my Queen."

King Olfriq's dark eyebrows furrowed, "The problem resides with a specific Gladeswoman. You." His words were calm and came out as if he were almost bored.

Rowan stepped forward, "Excuse me?"

King Olfriq stood where he was although the silver-haired woman was only a foot away from him. "I want you to leave my son alone. He is not the son that left for the Skabelse. You have poisoned his mind into thinking that he loves you and that your feelings are returned. You have sunk your claws so far into his skin that he has given up his morals and the throne to be with you and I will not permit it. I will not allow my son to throw away his future by some pretty little girl who has tricked him into turning his back on his King."

Rowan's eyes flashed with anger and she shook her head, not believe the words that slithered from his mouth. "Your right, Bjorn is not the same son that left for the Skabelse. He has changed in many ways, but for the better. I love him as he loves me and I do not care what you have to say about it. I know nothing of him turning his back on you but I have nothing to do with it. That was his choice, and by the way you are acting I can see why he would do it."

King Olfriq clenched his jaw, telling himself over and over again to not strike the woman who stood before him. "You will leave my son alone if you care about him and the Glade. I am not one to be noncompliant with as I always get what I want one way or another."

Rowan's mouth dropped open slightly, shocked at what she was hearing. Is he threatening me? Ire filled her as she looked him in his cold eyes. "If you so much as hurt Bjorn or any of my Sisters I will put your head on a spike so the crows can pluck out your eyes, leaving your body to rot in the sun," she spat, meaning every word.

King Olfriq took a step back, almost impressed with the girls menace. "There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity that you balance on," he said, holding up a large hand before she could say anything else, "Let me just end with this. Say I did allow your feeble fling to continue. Then what? The two of you are set to rule separate kingdoms. You have no future with him, child."

With that, he spun around on his heel and continued down the hall. Right before he turned the corner, he paused without looking behind him, "Men and women are sworn enemies. Let us leave it as such."

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