We All Have Secrets

Start from the beginning

Bjorn was pleased with the small house, it was well kept and smelled of cinnamon and vanilla. He immediately thought of owing a small home with Rowan, but the sound of a shriek brought him from his thoughts.

He jerked his head up to find a laughing young boy who was stark naked running from his mother. "I don't want to take a bath!" he called back, running into the kitchen. A little girl who was slightly younger than him jumped up and down, clapping her hands with laughter.

"Excuse me," the man said to Bjorn before going into the kitchen himself. Bjorn stifled a laugh and stood still as he listened to the man chastise his son, "Kale, listen to your mother and bathe or else I won't bring you back a sweet roll from the bakery tomorrow morning."

"Yes papa" a small voice said that he assumed to be the young boy's.

"Thank you love, I don't know what I would do without you," a female voice said. Her words made Bjorn smile slightly, as it pleased him to that they had a happy relationship. The mother left the kitchen and eyed Bjorn before following her son into the bathroom.

The man then rounded the corner and closed the curtains in the window before motioning Bjorn to follow him into the kitchen. He then sat at the table, and Bjorn pulled out a seat of his own next to him.

"What can I do for you today young Bjorn?" he asked, tucking his hands underneath his arms.

"Will this stay between us?" Bjorn asked, leaning forward slightly. He studied his face, noticing the small grey hairs in his dark brown beard. He was beginning to show that he was aging around his eyes but to Bjorn he could still pass as a healthy warrior considering his size.

The man narrowed his brown eyes and his lips drew into a thin line, "Depends on the questions I suppose."

Bjorn ran a hand through his hair and nodded, "Fair enough. I wanted to ask you a few questions about the High Kings and Queens."

The man sat still, waiting for Bjorn to continue.

"When we first arrived here, I seen you and your family eating dinner here as did many others. I already questioned why men and women lived separate lives, but seeing your family drove me to come see you and ask you personally. I am sure you know that outside the High Palace men and women do not live together as you do here. We are sworn enemies and have been for centuries. I was hoping you would be able to give me the explanation as to how it is possible for you here to live as one?" Bjorn asked. He didn't think he worded it right and cursed himself for not practicing what he would say beforehand.

The man sighed and leaned back in his wooden chair, causing it to creek. "The High Kings and Queens typically do not invite outsiders to the kingdom for many reasons. They don't like having guests in the Palace...it increases their chances of being raided...I could go on. One of the main reasons though is because people tend to ask questions about their leadership when they see how we live. A few hundred years ago it was only men who were allowed to live on the Palace grounds and work for the High Royals. Soon the High Queens wanted women here as well as they wanted to be equal and provide work for their own kind. It took some time but eventually the High Kings agreed and the High Queens were able to move in some women from their homelands as well as a few others from different kingdoms."

"It was difficult for them to adjust to the change of lifestyles but they eventually were able to become friends. A few years after that there were a few children running around the courtyards. The High Kings and Queens agreed to turn a blind eye as long as the townsfolk did their share of work for them. As long as we are happy and fulfill their needs of food, clothing, and armor we can do as we please and live here," the man finished.

Bjorn could tell the man was on edge for revealing such secrets to him. He shook his head to himself, running his words over again in his head. "The High Royals are so bigoted. Were they not the ones who decided that men and women should live apart? To be enemies? Who is to say that they are the ones that decide if we don't belong together? Them? Shouldn't we have a say? They have mandated us for hundreds of years all the while living the complete opposite here on this mountain." As Bjorn finished the last part, a small part of him gnawed at his insides as he realized that the Brotherhood shared similar views as to what he was having. No. What they want is to rid the world of the High Royals.

The man leaned forward, "Easy Bjorn. If the wrong person were to hear you speak of the High Kings and Queens in such a manner we both would be sent to the gallows. We all have secrets, some are just bigger than others. If the outside world found out what goes on here a civil war would ensure and I am not sure if we would be able to survive this one."

Bjorn frowned, knowing he was right. If the outlying kingdoms and tribes found out that the High Kings and Queens themselves were breaking one of the most obeyed rules, the outcome would be devastating. "I apologize. The last thing I would want for you is to bring you or your family harm."

The man smiled and bowed his head in appreciation, "I like you, Bjorn. You remind me of my younger self. Though you are young you are very wise for your age. I knew who you were the moment I opened my door. You came here because you love that Gladeswomen of yours, yes?" he asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Bjorn flashed a smile, "You could say that she is a large part of it."

The man chuckled and patted Bjorn's shoulder, "I thought as much. If what I have heard of you two is true, I would say she is your perfect match. Take it from a man who has been married for twenty years."

Bjorn's eyes widened. Married? He hadn't heard of that term since he was in school learning of the ancient practices of men and women. I didn't know people practiced marriage anymore-that it was obsolete.

Bjorn stood to take his leave, "Well I am very grateful that you have given me your time and answered my questions."

The man smiled and walked him to the door before opening it. "Of course. I'd say come by any time but..." he said, trailing off.

Bjorn laughed, "I understand. Can I have your name by any chance?"

The man grinned and winked, "I think it's best to pretend that you were never here."

Bjorn nodded his head and quietly slipped out of the man's house, skimming the street for any onlookers. When he saw none, he quickly made his way to the Palace to return to his silver-haired woman.

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