#21) Talk To Me.

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Osaka and Mimon's group POV:

After a day of gathering their things and training, Osaka's group prepared to leave for Japan. Osaka, as usual was a bit clueless on what was going on so she constantly bugged Mimon for the answer. That got her a few vexed looks. Not that she knows what that means.
The crew began their aviation of their wings and flew. They were relying on Yuri for directions so she was in the lead.

 They were relying on Yuri for directions so she was in the lead

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"Follow me," she said in the beginning.
After about five hours of flying, they were halfway to their destination of a little village in Ōsaka. Hopefully one of the village folk would give them directions or at least helpful hints. They still needed directions due to Yuri's tracking device being very unspecified on their exact locations.
"Owww.." Osaka said.
"What's wrong?" Mimon asked. He wasn't usually empathetic like this.
"My wings are wearing me down from advanced speed."
"She may end up stopping all together if she keeps going at the rate she is," Yuri said. Osaka was ahead of most of the gang, except for Yuri who was the geographer of the group. Sachael and Oleander were mindlessly flying at this point, being so tired.
The solution:

   "So I see you've switched back to your old hairstyle for now," Mimon observed

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"So I see you've switched back to your old hairstyle for now," Mimon observed. He was talking to the girl underneath him.
"Um yeah?" Osaka wasn't sure how to respond. Mimon wasn't usually this bubbly to her. "Why are you so nice?"

   "Well, if you must know

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"Well, if you must know. Ever since that speech you gave about maybe not being able to be a quick thinker or honors level I've been pondering what you were referring to. Then it hit me: you."
"Yes, it was aimed at you for being so inconsiderate. You're right, I was also talking about myself. I have ADD."
"Attention Deficit Disorder? That would explain a lot. I'm sorry you had to tell me this way. Does anyone else know?"
"It's fine. Actually only Evangeline knows. Now you.
I've been released from my once Doma Daka home. I still don't remember who I am. All I can recount is that this is all someone named Aria's fault.
Eva's POV:

After the grueling introductions to the main team, Aria and I went back to our own room. It's April 1st already. I've been wondering if this was all a trick, being stuck here against Aria's life. Aria and I already tried escaping once but that got us nothing but chastisement from Yukio and a firm slap on the hand. Ever since then our room has had to be monitored.
Damn Chiata, this is all her fault. If she hadn't attacked-and if I hadn't been so impulsive I wouldn't be here. If I didn't answer the door for Yukio then I wouldn't be here. If I hadn't moved back to Japan then I wouldn't be here. It's my fault.

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