#2) Hospitatily Rule 1: Always be Clothed.

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"You don't have anywhere to stay, do you?" I asked Osaka on the way back from work.
"Uhhhh no. I didn't really think this would last long."
"Typical Osaka. You can stay with me. It'll be nice to have a guest. I can also be your guide. Just a hunch, but I'm assuming you still didn't learn Japanese."
"Yeah, no. I haven't. You probably expected that though. Anyway, I thought you got a law degree. Why are you working at a bar?"
"Even though you're an adult now you still don't know how to mind your own business. Well, I used to work at this great law firm back in the U.S. We were doing great but then we were on a bad luck streak. Next thing we knew, no one would hire us and they had to make budget cuts to suffice their savings. I had a pretty high salary so I got the boot. After that there weren't really any job openings so I decided to move to Japan. I speak the language and I'm a complete Otaku. Perfect right? Except the law firms would only except citizens born in Japan. So I had to find work at a bar. You would be surprised how much they pay."
"You..- Luck.. doesn't seem to be a fan of yours."
"No kidding." We were at my little Shinjuku town house in no time. I pulled up on my driveway and unlocked the door. I let Osaka in first.
"Welcome to my humble abode. Mi casa es su casa."
"Never mind. I forgot you were never the intellectual type." She planted herself on the couch and I turned on the TV for her. "Let me throw down some pajamas for you. I'm going to be in the shower if you need me." I threw them at her face. Not that I meant to they just found their way into her corneas.
I hopped into the shower. I guess she could hear me humming from down there because Osaka yelled from the TV, "Is that Hikarunara? The song we sang at the karaoke place?"
"Yes it is. Not a moment passes that I don't think about that song. It's one of my favorites now."
"I know you're smart and all but can you dumb it down a bit for me. I don't really understand half the things you say."
"It's nice to know my intelligence is appreciated." After a few minutes I came out. I forgot a towel.. .
"Um, I forgot a towel so I'm going to go get one. Don't look for a minute."

   "Why should it matter? Aren't we both women?"   "No I'm a man

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"Why should it matter? Aren't we both women?"
"No I'm a man. Of course I'm a woman. But there are some things you don't want to show to the world."
"Fine. I won't cover my eyes, but I won't look."
"Yay," I scurried across the hall, wrapped a towel around myself, and inched down the stairs without my towel falling down. What a nice impression I made on my guest, wouldn't you say?

The Power Inside You Book 3: The Hunt VERSION1Where stories live. Discover now