#5) My Coffee with Mimon.

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The microwave beeped. Mimon's coffee was done. I took it out and gave it to him. "Thank you for your hospitality. I wish I could pay you but I forgot to tell my credit card company I was flying over to Shinjuku in a rage.. so now I'm broke."
"Don't worry about it. Where did you came from again?"
"Hiroshima. Where's Osaka coming from? Unless she was already in Asia."
"New York in America."
"Wow, I can only imagine how long that took."
"She probably forgot she could fly herself, didn't she?"
"Yes, she told me her plane expense was very large."
"Next time remind her she can fly instead of dipping into loans."
I laughed. Osaka came running down the stairs.
"Mimon! I almost forgot to tell you! Wait what was I gonna say?"
"You we're going to tell him," I switched into serious mode, "We have to get the Elite Henkan all back together. Of course with the exception of Mikio. Doma Daka is on the loose."
"Doma Daka? Were the girls who attacked you part of that accursed group?"
"Yes. Domaku and Chiata.. got Sprite powers."
"It's hard to believe any Sprite would choose either of them."
"Actually I've been looking into that. Since Sprite powers have become more common, I've been poking and prodding Sachael. I've found out that Sprites don't actually choose their masters, they are assigned."
"No wonder Thermós doesn't like me," Osaka sat down at the table with us as we continued our conversation about Sprites.
"Does anyone know where Sachael is?" Mimon asked.
"I haven't a clue," I admitted.
"I think she's in Wyoming?" Osaka guessed.
"I thought that's where Oleander was. Unless they're together.." I started.
"Oh no sorry! That is Oleander! Idk where Sachael is."
"We're not texting, don't use slang words," I told her off.
"Sorry," Osaka said.
"Alright then, anyway: - you know what? I never actually found out Mimon's Sprite's name! Tell!" I urged.
"Really? Well, his name is-" Of course with my luck he was cut off by a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," I rose, "Osaka, show Mimon around the house." As they went upstairs I opened the door.
"Hel- mmm!!" He put his hand over my mouth.

   The stranger put his hand around my waist while covering my face

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The stranger put his hand around my waist while covering my face. While I was still disoriented he whispered in my ear as he pushed a pressure point rendering me knocked out, "Join the Doma Daka to find your friends."

The Power Inside You Book 3: The Hunt VERSION1Where stories live. Discover now