Volume 2, Chapter 20

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Nick had teleported to the house so swiftly that Brandon struggled to catch up with him. They entered a large room with velvet carpets and crimson red curtains. Micheal smiled when he saw them. 

“What do you want from me?” Nick shot forward and grabbed Micheal by the collar. Micheal did not answer but merely sniggered at his face. Nick found him disgusting. “You’re not going to harm her,” Nick said severely. He was about to kill him but he stopped himself because he knew Stella liked this vile person.

Nick suddenly felt Brandon approach him from behind. He turned to stop Brandon from hurting Micheal but Brandon hit him hard on the neck. 

His hands released from Micheal’s collar and he fell backwards. He healed within seconds but he was shocked from the blow.

“Micheal is with me,” Brandon sneered, “Ah, I wish I could kill you in one blow. Looks like I have to take some time.”

Nick no longer recognised the leering figure before him. He got up quickly and said, “Brandon, what’s wrong with you?”

Brandon laughed with malice, “Nothing! Nothing at all!” Brandon launched another blow at Nick but Nick dodged him.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Nick warned and he felt another blow come towards him. He avoided it again but his head was already spinning with confusion.

“This will take ages. I’ll take Stella here. She will be quicker than either of us,” Micheal suggested and Brandon nodded as he sighed, “Ah, but it would be more exciting if I did it myself.”

Nick hit Micheal hard and Micheal fell on the floor. “I’ll get her myself,” Nick said threateningly when Brandon tried to shoot him with a flurry of gunshots. He avoided it but one of them hit his arm and hurt him. Running through the door, he closed his eyes and tried hard to sense her scent. 

Another invisible blow came speeding towards him. His eyes opened and he saw Mr Rousseau holding Stella hostage at the end of the hallway. Failing to avoid it, he was thrown backwards, and his body broke through the door, falling back on the velvet carpet.

“Don’t hurt him anymore!” Stella pleaded but Mr Rousseau told her to shut up. They came into the room as Brandon, Micheal, Mr Mousseur and Mr Grange appeared, standing over Nick like a circle of hyenas.

Micheal looked at Mr Rousseau who had placed a knife at Stella’s neck.

“Put the knife down,” he cautioned.

Mr Rousseau pressed the knife harder on her neck and blood started to ooze out. Stella’s mouth opened but no sound came out.

“Micheal, Micheal,” he taunted, “What should I do? I don’t like to play it your way.” 

Nick tried to get up but Mr Mousseur, Mr Grange and Brandon had put so much force on him, he had trouble breaking the force.

Micheal rushed forward to Mr Rousseau but Stella was flown and stuck against the wall in the same position that Stephen was in as he died.

“You are not to hurt her.” Micheal flew to save Stella but he hit an invisible wall and fell back onto the ground with speed.

Mr Rousseau ignored him and crouched next to Nick. 

“Well, well, well. I was planning to do it the simple way. If you have anyone to blame, it would be that imbecilic girl. She refused to change you to human by her own consent. It could have been a short and sweet process. I love making deals. How about we make a deal, Prince of Souleaters?” he smiled malevolently.

Nick broke through the force and hit Mr Rousseau rather lightly.

“How weak!” Mr Rousseau laughed. Soon, Nick was dragged and he was flung against a mirror, which broke instantly.

“My deepest apologies,” Mr Mousseur said, “He is rather powerful. Should I call for backup?”

Mr Rousseau shook his hand. “It’s alright. I want to settle this with less bloodshed.” Then, turning to Nick, he continued, “My deal is this. Get the girl to change you to human, or we will kill her.”

Micheal shouted, “No!” But he was immediately hit by Brandon, who threatened, “You are not to interfere!”

“I’ll kill him now!” Micheal pushed Brandon a few meters away and he rushed past Mr Rousseau to attack Nick. However, he was hurled away by Mr Grange.

Nick tried to call for his parents. He realised that the room had been protected.

“Do you think we would be so careless?” Mr Rousseau noticed. “What do you say to my deal? I think it’s pretty fair.”

Nick refused to answer and he stared at Mr Rousseau with hate. He tried to burn Mr Rousseau but he was immune to it.

Mr Rousseau seemed amused. “Ah, you do not know....do you want to hear a story? Two hundred years ago, two princes were born. One was made of fire, the other was made of ice. You see, more powerful souleaters were considered to consist of fire and the less powerful ones were made of ice. Unfortunately, my grandfather, Gregory, was made of ice. Fredrick was always preferred to Gregory because he was considered to be more powerful. Then, because of a foolish girl, Gregory lost the battle and was exiled. He formed an alternate universe for us to live in. We travelled in secret to your world to hunt for humans once in a while. However, we grew jealous of your world. Why should we travel in secret? Why should we continue to be exiled because King Fredrick said so? Why should we be considered as second-rate souleaters who are banished from the world? I came here and with the help of Mr Mousseur and Mr Grange, we planned this elaborate plan to dethrone you. We want a new revolution of ice souleaters, and that will mean that we need to eliminate you.”

It all made sense to him now. Helen was not killed unintentionally. Neither was Caleb nor Bently. They were all fire souleaters, like him.

“Why don’t you just kill me? Why change me to human?” Nick challenged. Mr Rousseau sighed, “It will take some time to kill you. I hate wasting time, which is why I present you with such a kind deal. Change yourself to human and it will be easier for all of us.”

Nick knew that the devil was lying, but he could not tell Stella the truth.

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