Volume 2, Chapter 9

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Kaela looked at Nick as he slept soundly. “I’m sorry,” she said quietly as she stroked his fine hair. At this point of espial, she saw goodness in him that she wished that she possessed as well. Her father, James Parker, came into the room.

“Darling, he won’t be awake until an hour later,” he said. 

“It’s alright. I feel better just looking at him,” she replied. The night before, she had used her special power to cause him to fall asleep. Her father had asked her to come to bring Nick away as he was causing “problems”. She wondered if Stella Robbs had indeed killed Caleb Lee and Bently Aswald.

“Don’t worry too much. If he questions why he is here, tell him that I brought him here,” James said and left the room.

She remembered that last year, she had asked Brandon to take Stella away and to break them up. When Brandon told her that the girl had resisted, she had taken the chance to kiss Nick in front of the girl. When Nick had tried to find her after the party, she had used that same power to make him fall asleep. 

“Why do you keep finding her?” she asked through sobs. “Do you still love her? How can I ever make you love me?” She wished ardently that Stella would die and Nick would be forever hers to keep. There was no one whom she could ever love except him. When she was young, her parents had introduced this angel to her and she knew she would love him for her entire life. He was so beautiful that she felt that she was ugly. How hard did she try to be perfect in front of him! Yet, how could he fall in love with a mere human girl? A poor girl who had nothing in life, unlike her!


Stella awoke and found herself in the hotel room. It was true that nothing had happened to her. Micheal came out of the toilet, with a bathrobe around his waist. “Hey, you’re awake. You were very successful yesterday. How was your sleep?” he smiled. 

“I guess I had a good sleep. I hadn’t had one for ages,” she remarked and got out of the bed. She was still in the white embellished dress that she had worn the night before. “I feel dirty,” she said and was about to walk into the bathroom when Micheal pressed his lips on hers.

“You will always be my angel,” he breathed. She was tantalising and irresistible.

“It’s kind of cheesy when you call me that.” She took her lips away from his. “How about “babe”?” he grinned while stroking her head, “So babe, are you ready for our next kill?” 

“Sorry, I’m not exactly in the mood. I think conscience is getting to me,” she replied in a tired tone.

“Remember that those people have no conscience. They are murderers who should die. You have the power to kill those who have killed your parents, and mine,” he cooed. 

“I can’t kill him,” her voice was quiet and low. He looked at her, aghast. “Why not? He is the son of your parents’ murderer.”

What Micheal said was true. Anthony Smith had found out that her mother was too curious regarding King Fredrick’s affair. She had found that the royal family had connections to witchcraft and she suspected that they had a dark secret that they were keeping. He had killed her to hide the secret. 

He had also killed her father to separate her from Nick. Brandon had told her that he had overheard Anthony Smith tell someone to kill Ben Robbs because he did not like his son meddling around with a human girl. She hated Nick Smith. She had to hate him.

Yet, she did not know why she had dreamt of him yesterday. There were snowflakes falling and they were lying on a snowy field, smiling senselessly at each other. The sky was beautiful and stars were sparkling in the distance. It was as if they were the only people in the world and all the pain she bore had faded away.

As she looked at Micheal, she felt pity for him. His soul was in greater despair than hers. She wished that he had never found her. Perhaps, she would be happier. Perhaps, she would be the same girl with the brightest future ahead of her. She had lost her friends and family for this revengeful road. 

There was something that she did not know whether to feel regret for. Should she have signed that fateful contract? If she had not, she would not have loved Nick Smith. The memory of her love for him pained her at times, but sometimes, she would find think of him like a faded image that appeared to oppress her and to delight her.

Micheal loved her. She thought she could love him. He made her happy, he was there to support her when she cried, he was the whole world to her. But she knew she could not love him, no matter how hard she tried to.

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