Volume 2, Chapter 13

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Micheal grasped the stone in his hand while his eyes fell on Stella lovingly. She was lying on the bed under the blanket. Her tears had dried but her eyes were swollen.

“You love him,” he said gravely. After a pause, she replied, “I hate myself.”

“Do you want him to be human?” he asked. She did not reply so he continued, “He cannot love you. If you love him, you shall live in pain, you shall feel your heart break every second of your life, and you shall hate the fact that you love him, uncontrollably and undeniably.”

“If he becomes human, will he love me?” she asked listlessly, about to break into tears again.

“He may love you, but not as much as I do,” he said, his voice breaking slightly. “If he becomes human, he shall lose all he has- wealth, looks and intelligence. Will you still love him?” he challenged. 

She did not know the answer. She remembered the young girl whom she once was. She remembered the young girl who was enamored of the handsome prince, who had everything. And she had fell senselessly in love with his beauty and every word that came out of his mouth. A few days ago, she was once again that young girl. The sight of him had shaken her new unfeeling persona, and had awaken that seed of love. She thought herself crazy. Exteriorly, he was perfect, but she could not separate the fact that interiorly, he was flawed in every aspect. He was a soulless being. He was a proud and selfish person who had played with a young girl’s feelings and innocence. Yet, when he had appeared before her with the same side-swept hair and deep and mysterious eyes, she had forgotten all the hurt he inflicted upon her and she thought of him kindly again. 

“If he loves you, I will let you go. I will feel comforted that you have someone who loves you,” Micheal said and opened his hand to reveal the stone to her, “And there is a chance that he might love you if he becomes human.”

Naturally, her eyes flew to the stone in his hand. It looked familiar and it filled her with fear. 

“Take it. You have the power to turn him human if you hold it and kiss him,” he said. 

Her body was shivering under the blanket but her mind raced with violent excitement. If he became human, he could love her! What a wonderful feeling it should be if he loved her, for even a tinge of love would drive her to ecstasy! 

Micheal sighed heavily and put the stone on the dressing table before saying his goodbye. As he turned to leave, a smile drew across his face.


Kaela found Nick sitting on the floor in his new apartment. It was an exclusive luxury apartment located next to a six-star hotel on an island. She had taken a long time to get to his house and was disappointed to see him in a terrible state, with empty suppressor bottles and glass pieces next to him.

It was raining heavily as he sat next to a dim lamp. She found this sight pitiable and almost repulsive. Unresponsive to her presence, he took another gulp of wine and threw the empty bottle against a drawer.

“Get up,” she murmured, “I’m sorry that Stephen is dead, but you have to recover from this.”

His blank eyes travelled from his bloody hands to her face before staring back into the empty space. Kaela took a piece of cloth, and kneeling next to him, she wiped his motionless hand. Suddenly, he spoke, “Why didn’t she kill me?” She knew who he was talking about, and she hated that person. 

“I don’t know,” Kaela replied dismissively, “You’re upset that she didn’t kill you?” 

“No, I found it strange. It was as if I had misunderstood her,” he said as he took his hand away slowly, “Do you think she murdered Stephen?” Kaela did not answer him but continued to wipe his hand clean. “I will get you out of this misery. And I will have you for myself,” she thought as she held his soft and beautiful hand.

The Faustian Love Bargain (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora