Volume 2, Chapter 6

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Nick looked up and he thought he saw someone in the opposite crowd looking at him. She smiled and he recognised that exact same shade of red lipstick. Then, she turned and disappeared in the crowds. Nick did not know what he was doing, except that he jumped over the dead body and gave chase. 

Stella was in the bathroom reapplying her lipstick when Nick pushed open the door. Locking the door, he grabbed her hand and the lipstick dropped on the floor.

“Did you kill him?” he demanded.

“I’m going to scream molest. This is the female bathroom,” she answered angrily.

“Let’s cut to the chase. Why the hell are you here?” 

“I was invited here. It was Bently’s party and I thought I should pay some condolences,” she snapped.

“Stop the hypocrisy,” Nick had cornered her, “It’s disgusting.”

“Isn’t everyone more hypocritical here? Someone is dead and all they do is dance and kiss, almost like it is some celebratory party,” she smirked.

“You came here to kill Caleb, didn’t you?”

“Those are your words. Not mine.” She suddenly came closer to Nick and he faltered. Her scent was causing his head to whirl and his neck turned to stone as his throat tightened so hard, he felt that it was going to break.

“Are your limbs turning to stone as well? Does that happen to you before you kill someone?” she hissed seductively into his nose. It was a direct impact, and she knew it.

He wanted to teleport away but he lost the energy to. His throat thirsted for her soul and he felt his lips move closer to hers.

“What a weak soul you have. You succumb so easily. Faster than anyone,” he heard her voice dancing in his ears.

“Kill me now before I kill you.”

“You mean right now? Then the game wouldn’t be any fun,” she laughed before she kissed him straight on. He tried to resist but he could not. He inhaled and inhaled and it was never ending. It felt so good and he desired more. He did not see how he could have stopped. Inside his body, he was literally jumping for joy and he felt satisfied for once. The greed and hunger that he had felt all his life disappeared.

She bit his lip and it started to bleed. Even pain felt like ecstasy and his blood rushed. He was alive and he felt it so strongly for the first time. His lip healed within seconds and she peeled her lips away from his.

“That wasn’t fun. You heal so quickly,” she said as he looked at her blankly, “Anyway, it looks like you couldn’t kill me even when you wanted to.”

“How did you kill him?” Nick demanded. He was in and out of his senses and he had struggled to ask that question.

“Things are pretty simple when you are immune to souleaters,” she joked and unlocking the bathroom door, she left Nick standing there, completely stunned by what had just happened.

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