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Hiiiiiiiii........................😘😘😘 my lovely readers...hows u guys day?? doing good....???
Now lets swim into this chapter okayy...

┌(^ .^)┘。^‿^。┌(^ .^)┘。^‿^。┌(^ .^)┘

"Strip.." Like a magic word Kit take off all of his cloth. Ming just smiling as his eyes  exploring Kit naked body..

"You are so beautiful Kit.." Ming said and make a signal asking Kit to come and sit on his laps. Again..without saying anything Kit just do what Ming want.

Ming caress Kit face with his thumb. He doesn't know what is happening with himself. But he want Kit.. He want to claim Kit as his.

Kit can feels the erection between his thigh. Kit circled Ming neck with his arm as Ming pulled his face closer to him.

Ming kiss Kit's lips slowly but passionately.. Savouring the sweet taste from that plump lips belong to Kit.

He lick the bottom of Kit lips asking for a permission for his tongue to come in. Kit open his mouth and thats make his tongue meet Ming's. Their tongue dance in sync ,exploring each other mouth.

Ming break the kiss on the lips and start kissing Kit jaw and neck. He suck and lick Kit white and smooth neck. What Ming did make Kit moan without that small guy even realize it. Kit feels that his junior start getting bigger as Ming left hand start jacking slowly.

"Armmhhh..mmmhh.." Ming right hand is busy playing with Kit nipple and his mouth still making a mark on Kit neck and shoulder. Kit is totally under Ming control right now.

"Lets settle your little brother first okay sweety.." Ming said as he fasten his hand. Kit lifyed his head up and his eyes rolled up due to the pleasure that he receive.

"Mmhhmm....Mi-Mingg.." His voice tremble as he call Ming name. He slipped his finger under Ming black hair. After almost 5 minute Kit finally come to his climax.

"Ming..I-I..." Ming fasten his hand a bit more.. "Arghhh...." Kit come now all over Ming abs and hand.

"Good boy.." Ming kiss Kit cheek and smirk.."But,You still have one job left baby..Are you ready?" Kit just nodded his head. He also want Ming inside him.

Ming coat his finger with saliva and slowly pushed one finger inside Kit. He pulled and pushed that finger inside Kit. Twirling his finger a few time does make Kit squirm .

He pushed another finger and do the same. After Ming sure that Kit is ready ,he lifted Kit with his hand and slowly pushed his junior inside Kit.

"Arghh.." Kit moaned filled in the car as Ming start thrust his hip with Kit ontop of him. Then Ming help Kit to move his hips up and down.

Ming make the seat lower then he make Kit lay, He lifted Kit leg up and start thrusting his hips again. He fasten his move .

Everytime he hit Kit on his sweet spot, Kit eyes will rolled up and he will call Ming name.. That enough  to make Ming keep fucking that small guy for like 30 minute.

Ming doesn't want to come outside so he come inside Kit without that guy permission. But Kit like it. He like that Ming come is inside him.

When he thought that Ming already done.he was wrong..because Ming keep thrusting his hips again..


"I don't know you are good at this Kit.." Ming said as he wipe the sweat on his body and look at Kit. "All of that love bites look good on your body.." Ming smile look at Kit red face and all the mark that can be seen from Kit jaw down to his stomach.

"I never though that you would do this..here.." Kit wear back his shirt after wearing his pants. Ming went to hard on him.

Making his back in a serious pain. He feels sore even just sitting. Plus Ming come inside him twice.

Ming leaned closer to Kit want to kiss that lips again..But the knock on the door make him stop. He rolled his eyes as Kit open the door give the person who knock the door Ming bike key.

Kit stepped into his car back and hand Ming a paper bag. Ming open the bag and smile. Its a new shirt and pants. Ming take off the towel and wear the cloth. Its look perfect on him.

 Its look perfect on him

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"Can you drive..? Or do you want me to drive?" Ming ask Kit that look like he is under a spell by Mingkwan

"Oh? Oh..I can drive.." Kit look away and as he trying to fixed his seat..His sore back betrayed him. "Auchh"

Ming chuckled a bit then stepped out from his seat nd walked to the driver seat.

"Let me drive..Go there.." Kit jumped to passenger seat and adjust the seat to the lowest and he basically lying right now. He find that is the most comfortable way to sit in that car.

Ming just smile ..

A/N : 😭😭

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