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Author's pov

"I..tied u..how??" Kit said in frustration

"Well..you are bad at tying people baby..And just in case you forget..I'm Mingkwan.."Ming said and get off the bed. He stepped toward Kit slowly and push that small guy and pinned him down on the bed.

"You really want me don't you?.." Ming smirk and start kissing the small guy under him. Kit just shut his mouth due to the shocked Ming give him

He never thought that Ming will kiss him. And it not a normal kiss.

The kiss that he feels right now is so hot and passionate. Its make Kit feels a bubbling inside him. Ming still pinned his hand down while slowly break their lips apart from the kiss.

"So Kit...why you being like a doll now...where is your aggressive and demanding bad boy attitude.?" Ming ask whilst raising his left brow and slowly a smile start to curve from the corner of his lips.

Kit gulp and try go push Ming but he failed miserablely when Ming squeeze his body with him .

"Why Kit? Are you scared now?"

"No I don't!" Kit said and breath heavily with his eyes shaking. He try to look away but Ming grab his chin and make that small guy under him look at him.

"If you really don't scared...dare to kiss me now?" Ming look at Kit without even blinking his eyes. Maybe its true maybe he should start to open his heart to love someone again. And maybe Kit is the one.

Well since he is the only one who dare to messed with Ming..He also rape him. He mad at that but at the same time he feels thats funny.

"I will !" Kit said and lifted his head up and kiss Ming lips for like 1 second.

"That is not the real kiss Kit..Let me show you how the real bad boy kiss ,Kitty.."

"Kitt-!" Before Kit got to finish his word Ming cut him up by kiss his lips again. Sucking and savouring those lips belong to Kit. He bite kit bottom lip make that small guy open his mouth unintentionly.

Ming take this oppurtunity and slide his tongue into Kit mouth. Kit follow Ming rhythm slowly. Their tongue move in sync.

Kit break the kiss when he need to breath. And again he make like Mingkwan feels like he win.

"Your kissing skill is still lack Kit..Maybe you need a lesson for that..what about I make a kissing class..Do  you want to join my class..?" Ming hand slowly caress Kit smooth cheeks. "My class will start from 7a.m-8.am...12p.m-1p.m....5p.m-6p.m..10p.m-morning maybe.... But don't worry Kit I can rearranged the schdule for you." His hand now under Kit shirt without Kit even realize that Ming hand is rubbing his stomach slowly.

"Okay..I agree to join your class.." Kit said and look right into Ming eyes.

"Great..but my class is exspensive..can you pay for it?" Those evil smile appear again on Ming lips.

"H-How much?" Kit ask stuttered.

"Don't worry baby you can afford that..Don't have to scared.." Ming get up and let go Kit hand that he hold.

"Now get up.." Ming said and hand Kit his hand . Kit grab Ming hand and get up slowly. Kit is like a stupid person right now..He just follow what Ming said. The only thing that he never do in his life. Obeying someone.

"Why you suddenly change Ming? You are being weird the moment you kiss me.." Kit said when he already stand on his feet.

Ming just smiled and walked away .

'No one know Kit..no one know...' Ming murmured slowly on his way out...

A/N : hah ...I got u all pervert minded😂😂😂 No 18+ scene yet😜😜😜 sorry guyss...just hang with me..😂

I love u guyss

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