Deciding to wait him out, I approached North's side and glanced down to see him mixing up what looked like cookie dough. I could smell the sugar, chocolate, and vanilla extract and I cocked a surprised eyebrow in his direction. He continued to ignore me, save for one more death glare as he shouldered past me to collect a series of baking sheets from one of the cupboards, and I waited until his back was turned to snag a bit of dough and popping it in my mouth.

I heard a gasp sound behind me and I meandered over to where Luke was gawking at me like I'd forgotten to put on clothes after my bath and was strutting around naked as a jaybird. I winked at him as I chewed the deliciously sweet dough and he choked and turned away, his face blushing fiercely. What was wrong with him?

"Did you want some?" I whispered, holding out a small piece of dough that I hadn't put in my mouth yet.

His brown eyes widened in delight and he worried his lip as he glanced between me and North like he was weighing the rewards with the possible risk of getting caught by his brother who had retaken his spot by the bowl of cookies. He slowly reached out and snatched the piece of dough and stuffed it in his mouth, giggling manically as he attempted to look innocent. It was adorable really and it was, as I watched him chew his dough as he fiddled with the zipper of his onesie, that it hit me. This wasn't Luke.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" I asked gently, patting the spot of counter top next to him and he shook his head, not taking his eyes off his knees. I hopped up on the counter and placed my hands in my lap as I feigned watching North scoop out cookie dough onto the sheets of metal when I was really stealing glances at Luke. I wasn't sure how to act since I didn't know exactly who I was talking to, so I decided to let him lead and I'd follow. I didn't want to scare or hurt him, and I had a feeling that if I so much as sneezed on him, North would bury me in the woods.

"We're making cookies." Luke whispered softly, looking up at me from beneath his full lashes, his chocolate eyes looking conflicted between wariness at my presence and excitement over said cookies. "Do you wanna make cookies with us?"

I smiled as kindly as I could as I nodded my head. "I would love to make cookies with you. Chocolate chip is my favorite."

His eyes widened as his face brightened to shine like the surface of the sun and he scooted across the slick counter top to sit closer to me. "They're my favorite, too. Do you like chocolate chip pancakes? They're also my favorite, but North doesn't let me eat them very often." He finished his speech with a heart wrenching pout and I almost reached out to comfort him, but hesitated at the last minute.

Instead, I pursed my lips in sympathy and nodded. "I do like chocolate chips pancakes but they're not always healthy. So maybe North is just looking out for you." I suggested and he gave an exaggerated eye roll and a sigh.

"That's what he says." He mumbled, dropping his chin into his hands as his elbows resting on his knees and his legs swung against the cabinets.

North had his head cocked and his hands had paused over their ministrations to listen to our conversation. The moment he knew I was watching him, he resumed his task with the cookies and I shrugged and turned back to Luke. He was watching me with wide eyes and I smiled at him again, trying to look nonthreatening.

"You're really pretty." He whispered before covering his face like he couldn't believe he'd just said those words and I chuckled lightly at his blunt honesty.

"Thank you. That's a very kind thing to say." I watched as he peeked out from behind his fingers and I wanted to laugh at his red embarrassed face but I held back. "Do you tell all the girls that?"

He kicked his legs as he burst into childlike giggles once again and I couldn't help but join in with him. "No!" He shrieked, his arms holding his belly as he laughed. "You're the first girl I've ever seen."

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