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~ After School ~

"Nonono, x equals 1, not 56 Taehyung." I said for the billionth time, pointing at the equation on the textbook with my pencil.

Who could've known tutoring Taehyung would be this hard.

"So then y equals 56?" He asked in a rather confused tone, obviously indicating that he didn't understand this lesson at all.

I let out a deep sigh, extremely tired of repeating this over and over to him.

"Where did you even get 56 in the first place?" I asked.

"... I guessed." Taehyung confessed as he reluctantly rubbed the back of his neck.

Oh my lord.

"Alright, how about we take a break so we can clear our heads and focus better on the lesson?" I said, just trying not to make it obvious that I just wanted to rest because my head was going to explode if we continued this any further.

"Okay." Taehyung innocently said as he took out a water bottle and took a sip from it.

Not gonna lie, I was extremely tired and sleepy from a long day of so many unexpected events happening.

I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes, trying my best to fight off my doziness.

"Woah, you have really pretty eyes." Taehyung suddenly commented, his eyes sparkling from the amazement of how my eyes become like 10 times larger when I take off my glasses because of my lenses.

I blushed as I shyly smiled at him, quickly putting my glasses back on.

"T-Thank you.."

"You seem really tired Aera, maybe you should take a nap?" Taehyung kindly offered, and I replied to him with a small nod.

Checking the time, it was only 4 pm, so I'm sure it's alright if I sleep for like 30 minutes right?

"You're right. Can you wake me up in about 30 minutes?" I asked him.

"Sure." He answered.

~ 7:00 pm ~

I slowly fluttered open my eyes, loudly gasping in shock at the sight of the dark night sky outside the window.

I hurriedly checked the time, gasping for the second time.

"Why didn't Taehyung wake me-"

But as I shifted my gaze to the seat next to mine, there he was, peacefully sleeping with his head buried in his arms.

I let out a sigh, slightly shaking Taehyung so he would wake up.

"Taehyung. Taehyung." I called out, but he was completely knocked out.

Not to be creepy or anything, but I couldn't help but notice how insanely handsome he was, even when he was asleep.

I caught myself intently staring at his alluring facial features, my cheeks slightly flaring up from it.

Suddenly, Taehyung's relatively long lashes fluttered and his eyes opened, causing me to jerk in surprise.

I hurriedly looked away and pretended to examine the math textbook in front of me so he wouldn't notice that I was watching him sleep.

"Mmmm... Aera...?" He sleepily muttered as he cutely rubbed his eyes.

"Taehyung, do you have any idea what time it is?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him.

He gasped, hastily taking a glance at the time, and gasping even louder.

"Shit, we're gonna be in big trouble if we get caught." He said in a rather calm tone, probably because he was already used to these situations.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of footsteps gradually approaching our classroom, causing us to panic like crazy.

"W-What do we do?!" I whispered, extremely fearful of the thought of getting in trouble.

Taehyung immediately sprinted over to the light switch and turned it off, hurriedly returning back to my side.

He then pulled me to the ground with him and quickly hid behind a desk, causing me to madly blush at the extremely uncomfortable position I was in.

I was situated right in between Taehyung's legs, his large hand over my mouth, and my back touching his hard, warm chest.

I could feel my heart beat racing faster with every second that passed.

The sound of the footsteps gradually faded away, and Taehyung let out a deep sigh of relief.

"That was a close one." He said as he uncovered my mouth.

As I was about to get out of the extremely awkward position I was in, I was stopped by his long arms tightly embracing me from behind.

I gasped in surprise, my cheeks flaring up more than it already was.

"W-What are you doing Taehyung?!" I asked, afraid that he might hear my hastening heart beat.

"You smell good." He casually said, gently placing his head on my shoulder.

"T-Taehyung... W-We should get going before we get caught..." I shyly muttered, trying to save myself before my heart explodes.

"Oh shoot, you're right." He said as he hurriedly let me go.

He stood up and walked over to the window, unlocking it as he slid it open for us to escape out.

He then turned around and stuck his hand out to me, signaling me to follow after him.

"Let's go?"

I shyly nodded as I rushed over to his side.

Wow, not gonna lie, this must have been the most fun I've ever had in so many years.

I've always been held back of my desires and wants by the criticizing opinions and despicable society I happen to live in.

But now that I met Taehyung, my world was slowly changing.

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