"Leo! " Jason screamed and ran toward him. Leo fell back and Jason caught him. 

"Leo who saved me, you saved us. You will make eslyium." Jason spoke softly to Leo who nodded, Jason watched the light in his friends mischievous brown eyes grow dull before he passed to his uncle. Jason started sobbing, he made it only because of Leo.

"You should have let me take that knife Leo!" Jason screamed guilt and grief clouding his ability to think. He sat there and sobbed for a good five minutes before picking up Leo and making his way to the entrance of the cave. 

"I won't leave you buddy." Jason murmured as he carried his dead friend back to the surface. 

When he got there he Frank was already their his eyes lost all their mirth, his face devoid of any emotion. The gods with the demigods behind them, Annabeth pushed her way to the front. Jason searched for Piper but to his growing fear he couldn't see her. 

"Where is Piper?" Jason croaked fearing the worst. 

Frank shook his head, Jason felt his chest grow tight, he couldn't have lost her. He couldn't have lost all the people that mattered the most to him fell to his knees and took a shuddering breath refusing to cry in front of any of the gods or demigods. 

Jason barely saw everyone looking around for Percy before Annabeth cautiously asked. "Jason where is Percy?" 

"I-I-I couldn't stop it Annabeth. He is in Tartarus again." Jason sobbed finally letting his emotions get the better of him. Through his tear filled eyes he saw Annabeth drop to her knees staring at the cave Jason just came through sadly tears trickling down her face. 

"What happened Jason?" Poseidon asked despair and gried evident in the sea gods eyes. 

"Gaea kicked all three of us away, she said three on one wasn't fair and tossed a knife, it should have hit me but Leo took it between his ribs. Percy and I thinking he died ran at Gaea before she told Percy it was his turn before kicking him into Tartarus. She disarmed me, and asked if I had any last words. Leo slowly got up in obvious pain, grabbed his sword and as Gaea went to kill me Leo cut her hand off she turned around and stabbed Leo in the neck with a knife before he stabbed her in the heart." Jason dry heaved through the whole thing he cursed himself for looking weak. 

Poseidon stared at the ground, tears pouring down the sea gods face. Hephaestus was crying as well but his eyes shone with pride at what Leo did, all the demigods were in shock. 

"Heroes go with the parent you came with. The remaining seven come with me to Olympus to recieve your rewards." Jupiter said looking at his son with sympathy. 

Annabeth, Jason and Frank circled around Jupiter before flashing them out the king of the gods said to Hermes. "Come back and transport the dead to camp half-blood, it's name will change to camp Olympus." 

Hermes nodded sadly.

When the rest of the seven appeared in the throne room and waited less than two minutes before the rest of the council appeared, none smiling over their victory but all of their faces etched with grief. 

"You three remaining will become the newest Olympian gods. Will you accept our generous offer?" Jupiter asked the three demigods, their eyes mirthless and faces expressionless. 

"I am sorry lord Zeus but I cannot accept I made a promise to Percy." Annabeth said her voice cracking at her dead boyfriends name. 

"Can we offer you anything child?" Zeus asked his face soft. 

"I request permission from the council to build monemunts to the fallen seven. Nico Di Angelo included." Annabeth said. 

"Your wish will be granted, Annabeth Chase. Thank you for your service." Zeus replied, Annabeth bowed before Frank stood up. 

"I will also refuse the councils offer." Frank said expressionless, Jason wasn't paying attention he couldn't he kept his thoughts on Piper, her beautiful kaledscopic eyes flashing in amusement at everything he said. 

"Is there anything we can do for you Frank Zhang?" Zeus asked. Frank shook his head he didn't want anything. 

"Jason I am taking it you will decline as well but I have a sense that you will decline as well." Zeus sighed. When he noticed his father looking at him expectantly it shook him out of his thoughts. 

"You are correct father, after the loss of Thalia and Piper I cannot remain immortal. I need to see them again." Jason said his face a expressionless mask. Annabeth bawled letting her tears flow freely Jason assumed Annabeth did not know about Thalia, and he made up his mind on what his request will be. 

"Do you have a wish the council can grant?" Zeus asked. 

"Yes. I wish to join my friends in eysluim." Jason said his voice full of determination. 

"Jason I will not kill or let my son die!" Zeus said shocked. 

Jason huffed in anger. "Fine than may I request to enter any of the gods domains freely?"

Zeus and the Olympians looked at Jason with suspicion, out of the corner of his eyes Jason saw Frank catch on immediately. "Yes the council will grant your request." Zeus said. 

"Thank you all for your service." Zeus said before the demigods left the throne room and will attempt to live their lives normally. Jason started forming a break out plan from the most secured prison in the world. Tartarus. 

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