Jason XVI

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Dedicated to Awktwurtle for suggesting "Warriors of The Sun" by chococookie1607 go check it out!


About three hours went by on the ship Jason and Piper sat on the prow watching the ocean glitter around them while Frank was downstairs eating and Percy was in swimming some where. Jason looked over at the beach and saw three being walk down to the ocean they would be there in about five minutes. 

"Frank! Go get Percy!" Jason yelled. Frank ran up the stairs with a sword in one hand and a sandwich in the other.

"Why?" Frank questioned. 

"Leo, Annabeth and Hazel are right there so we need Percy to guide us there." Jason explained. Frank nodded and jumped off the prow turning into a seal in midair and diving into the ocean. About a minute later Percy and Frank burst out on to the ship. 

"Hey guys." Jason and Piper greeted. 

Percy smiled in his greeting. And the ship moved forward, sliding into Troy's beach about a minute later. Three awestruck, proud demigods got on to the ship. But Jason noticed something. "Leo where did you get that sword?" 

"My father showed me where it was. It is the sword of Achilles." Leo exclaimed unsheathing it. Jason could tell it was celestial bronze and mortal bronze instantly, he could feel the two metals fighting each other. It had a simply human bronze handle with leather wrapped grip. 

"That is cool." Percy whistled in appreciation, his hand wrapped tightly around Annabeth's waist. Jason sighed, he knew Piper wanted a relationship like theirs but it was hard. Percy and Annabeth have known each-other for six years. They know everything about each other, and it seemed like Jason and Piper knew so little about each other. 

Anyway Leo motioned Jason away from the crowd of demigods. "You and I are friends right, Jason?" Leo asked nervously.

"Of course, Leo. What is this about?" Jason asked surprised. 

"Is it ok if I ask Percy to train me with the sword?" Leo questioned while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Yea man that is fine. You are Greek best ask the Greek swordsman." Jason smiled. While Leo blew a sigh of relief. 

Jason watched as Leo strut over to Percy and asked if he could train him. He couldn't exactly hear anything but by the excited look in Percy's eyes. Percy looked up and seemed to be looking around for something, he noticed Jason and beckoned him over. 

"Hey what do you guys need?" Jason asked. 

"Well I was thinking." The boys heard Annabeth groan, Percy rolled his eyes playfully and continued. "I can train Leo all day today with the Greek part of sword training since I have more experiance with that and you train him Roman style tomorrow? Because the day after that the war begins and we won't have time to practice after that." 

Leo looked at Jason hopefully. Than Jason grinned. "Of course man." 

Leo looked at the two sons of the Big Three with the look of absolute adoration. "Thanks guys! It really means a lot to me." 

"Anytime Leo, meet me in the stables in ten minutes." Percy told him, Leo nodded looking more excited than a little kid on Christmas. The two boys looked at the retreating back of the son of Hephaestus with humor. 

"You think he will be able to learn this fast?" Jason asked worriedly, he didn't want to get Leo hurt by teaching him the wrong technique. 

"That is why I want you to train him as well. If Greek fails he has Roman as back up and vice versa." Percy explained before heading down to the stables. Jason sighed in disbelief, praying to every god he knew, Greek and Roman that he trains Leo well. 

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