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When the monster army rushed forward Hazel and Hades lingered back which confused Nico immensely. He shook it off and sprinted into the enemy line, slashing at enemies left and right with out any mercy. The smell of cinnamon told Nico Hazel was behind him covering his back, Nico smirked. The siblings of death were a whirlwind of it, Nico heard his father command all the hellhounds to go back to Tartarus which they did grudgingly. 

The to siblings of Hades rna forward decimating the enemy line, Nico's Stygian iron sword sucking the essence of all the monsters he has slain making sure their souls are trapped in his sword making them unable to come back to the world of mortals.

All the demigods should carry these, hunt the monters and have peace for once. Nico thought as he hacked away at the monsters in a new found rage, rage that he is an outcast, the fact that he had to swing for the same team.

These thoughts fueled his rage and his power, he slashed at the monsters with the speed that could only be defined as godly. He hacked and slashed till he heard Annabeth scream and he knew why his Hades death tingler as he called it was ringing.

Piper just passed into the realm of Hades, Jason would be devastated. Nico felt a pang of guilt all the son of Jupiter wanted to do was to be friends, yet Nico pushed everyone away. He whispered to the ghosts of Ancient Rome and her knew what would happen, he knew Percy would make a deal with Gaea and he knew Annabeth wasn't one of the seven but he was.

Nico knew the outcome of the war and for once he actually liked it, it worked out to the benefit of everyone except Percy. Nico knew Percy was going to Tartarus. While saddened he respected the son of Poseidon immensly, to go back to the pit willingly took a lot of courage. 

He ran to the Ares and Mars kids and summoned a dozen undead warriors and they rushed in to help boost the waning lines. He knew Hazel was here before and he did understand her rush, Nico stood side by side with Frank. 

"Nico." Frank grunted in greeting as he decapitated a empousia. 

"Howdy Frank, enjoying yourself?" Nico smirked at the shocked face of the son of Mars as he expected not to say anything back. 

Frank quickly got over his surprise and smiled sadistically. "Just a blast now let's finish this." 

"I couldn't agree more." Nico grinned as the two rushed forward leaving a trail of death and destruction. The fought side by side covering each others backs till a drakon rose up and both demigods paled. 

"Well this is going to suck." Frank muttered and Nico couldn't help but agree. 

"Olympus!" Frank yelled the drakon which was a dark brown color. The drakon reared it's head and snapped at the two demigods, they lunged in opposite directions. Frank stabbed his sword deep into the neck of the drakon holding it in place, with out missing a beat Nico jumped on to its skull flipped over his sword holding the point toward the skull of the drakon, with a feral scream of rage Nico drove his sword into the skull of the drakon. 

"Boo-ya!" Frank yelled and Nico smirked. The heard Annabeth scream for the blood of Khione, Frank and Nico's eyes widened in shock they sprinted toward the voice. The saw Annabeth and Hazel glaring murderously at the snow goddess. 

As they were running Zethes and Cal stepped forward. "I am sorry young demigods but this is the girls fight. You may fight us." Zethes said pulling out a broadsword Calais mirrored his movements and yelled. "Destroy!"

The two demigods grit their teeth, they needed to help the girls. Nico took Zethes and Frank took Cal, after Nico blocked the first swing he knew Zethes hadn't trained in years. Nico hit Zethes sword at the hilt with as much power as he could muster knocking the sword out of Zethes hand. 

"Ow." Zethes yelled as he clutched his now broken hand. 

"Enjoy Tartarus." Nico muttered as he stabbed Zethes in the chest. The god eyes widened in shock before his skin turned pale white and he froze into a block of ice, Nico tried pulling on his sword but it didn't work. 

Nico felt all of Percy's, Jason's and Leo's thoughts flood into his mind at once, distracting him slightly. He saw the flash of a white blade in the corner of his eye, he ducked as Cal's blade swung over his head and crashed into the Zethes ice sculpture. Freeing Nico's sword he brought up his sword just at the right time blocking the overhand blow that would have cut him in half. 

Just as Nico was holding back Cals blade struggling with the power the young god was forcing onto Nico his arms shaking. Just than the pressure stop Nico looked at Cal's face who was looking down in shock. Nico followed the gods eyes to see a imperial gold sword point, Nico peeked around the side of the icicle to see the face of Frank Zhang. 

Nico pulled his sword away and shattered the sculpture, than a piercing scream froze the two demigods in horror as they saw Khione slice Hazel's chest and than kick her. Nico charged and started battling the snow goddess he wasn't focused at all, he just lost his remaining family his rage blinding him to any defense he just wanted to kill Khione. 

Khione smirked only increasing Nico's rage. He slashed at her neck she blocked and kicked him back, Nico summoned some skeletons holding the goddess. Without missing a beat he went to stab Khione in the chest but she conjured a ice spike and sent it towards Nico's nec he moved to the right but the spike edge caught his throat. 

Nico's felt his eyes widen as he struggled to breath he narrowed his eyes and stabbed Khione in her smirking face. 

His legs buckled as he fell back, he didn't even brace his fall he fell and he saw his father summon thousands of dead screaming in rage and loss. 

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