"We don't have time," I replied and began to run. Viola kept pace with me, her hand on my lower back. We reached the barrier that seperated the driver's from the drop on the other side. We climbed over it and I could feel Marek's pride within me. I smiled before jumping. I regretted it almost instantly for a moment, feeling fear. I had literally just jumped off a freeway with absolutely no idea what awaited me on the other side. I pushed the fear away. I trusted Marek.

Viola's arms wrapped around me. My breath was stolen by the rapid fall. I closed my eyes, wondering if the way to escape was hitting the road below. In the next second, our descent was abruptly halted. Cradled, we slowly rose back up in the air. The surface beneath was warm and slightly rough. I opened my eyes to find Viola next to me. Echo and Jin not far from us. I sat up, squinting to see...claws.


We had landed on a gigantic paw. A paw that was literally as big as a house. We continued to rise up, until the ground below was nothing but a grid. I expected to be cold or whatever happened to you when you were as high as a plane. But instead the comfortable temperature remained. No one spoke. And then I realized that there was now something coming into view next to us. Massive, incredible scales.

Marek...did a gigantic dragon just save us? I knew the answer though. It was then I realized that Marek wasn't with us. Marek?

Close your eyes and reach out.

I hesitated, as I was unsure of what exactly I would be reaching out to. But I did and was startled that there seemed to be a door in my mind's eye. Slowly, I reached out to open it. I didn't walk through but suddenly I was standing in the middle of a grand ballroom. I looked up at the ceiling to see paintings of the galaxy, almost as if I could touch it if I was tall enough. And by tall enough I mean like thousands of feet tall. It was the stuff of fairy tales. But where was I?
"You are inside my mind," a voice of thunder and wind, the crashing of waves, and yet held the beauty of spring and the warmth of the sun echoed all around me.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly. "Are you Lugh?"

"No. I am different yet the same. I watch but I do not interfere." As amazing as his voice was, I couldn't help my frustration at his lack of an answer. There was a soft, rumbling chuckle that caused the room to brighten slightly. "Child, I am not intentionally trying to be vague as you claim within your thoughts. You wonder if I am a god and I am not. Just a simple dragon that has lived a very long life."

"If you do not interfere, than what are doing with us?" I asked, my eyebrows shooting up to my hairline.

"Simply curiosity," he replied, for though his voice was both feminine and male I just knew.

I cocked my head as I tried to process his answer. "Curiosity?"

"Yes. A girl and a hatched dragon bond? Unheard of. Her sister a druid. Her other sister destined to be a vampire. I'm curious as to where you will go," there was another chuckle. "And if the vampire had gotten his wish, then I wouldn't have been able to see your story unfold."

"Well, thanks." I smiled at the wall, my eyes slowly traveling up to the ceiling. This was a bit awkward due to the fact that I was looking at a wall. But I had no idea where else to look. "What can I call you?"

"Whatever you desire," he replied.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "So, where are you taking us?"
"A place that is safe," he purred within my mind. "At least for now."

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