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The morning I woke slowly and painfully, groaning with each blink of my eyelid. Oh...ow...someone, anyone help me. How was I going to crawl out of this bed? I began to roll; kicking at the sheets to free my legs to I could promptly roll right onto my feet and stumble in the bathroom cause I needed to pee. But my brain was in just as much agonizing pain as my body and I simply rolled off the bed to plop onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. And then just like that sack, I stayed there. A lengthy moan of pain managed to wheeze from my lips.

The sheets rustled and Mareks' head popped over the edge the bed, "You good?"

"Does it look like I'm good?" half of my question was eaten up by the floor that was squishing my face.

"Well, I mean you could be, the floor can be comfortable," Marek rested his head on the side of the bed.

"Was that sarcasm?"

"No, I have no idea what that even is. How could I be sarcastic when I don't even know what It means to be sarcastic?"


"Rude," I muttered, "So incredibly rude. We are bonded – "


" – bonded and you just ignore my pain in such a cruel way? I have to pee."

"Then go pee," the dragon snorted.

"I am not pissing all over the floor," I attempted to heave myself up, only to flop back onto the floor.

Marek rolled his eyes at my laziness. After a five-minute nap on the floor, I managed to get to my feet and limp towards the bathroom. I used to the toilet before wandering in from of the mirror. I blinked in the dim light and stared at my skin. I was patterned in bruises, my muscles tense in soreness. Pain, pain was my life suddenly. Weakly I got dressed and with Marek by my side, we began to walk.

We were halfway towards the kitchen when I saw movement outside. I wandered over to the window and peered out of it, noticing that there were three cars – two SUVs and one regular Hundai – and Jin and Echo were out there. He said something to her before climbing into the passenger seat with Director Momsen in the driver's seat.

The cars, and the people stuffed into them, drove away. I watched blankly, not so much bothered by Jin's abrupt departure, but more so by Echo. As she stood there, I just couldn't help but feel déjà vu, as if her and I had somehow met before. I ducked away from the window before she could see me spying on her and I headed towards the kitchen. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Viola, asking her how she was. I left it on the counter with the ringtone turned all the way up. I made eggs, bacon, and toast. Ate all of it.

She never replied.

I managed to simply do cardio with Echo in the morning before escaping to my room and taking a nap. It lasted only a few hours, and that was due to Marek waking me up to tell me he was off to go train. Unable to go back to sleep, I decided to get up and walk around.

A hallway extended from the kitchen but as I walked along it, I noticed that a partially open door was hidden behind the slightest nook that was almost deceiving to look at. I slid through the partial opening to find a library. Walls of books towered above me, slamming against the roof as though they wanted to break it open and fly away. Beautiful patterned rugs of probably some importance that I didn't know about covered the floor. The room was separated into sections, and those sections were created by bookshelves. There were new books, old books, and pure ancient ones.

They ranged from many topics in both fiction and nonfiction. With the latter, there ranged from cooking, finances, history, and different types of health books and studies of mental and physical health. If there was anything I was curious about, I would be able to find the answer here. And with the nonfiction, it focused mostly on the stories of vampires and werewolves, along with dragons and elves. There were also "factual" books like Dragonology along with the textbooks of mythology and religion.

As I wandered around, I found a desk somewhere within the center. I walked around it, startled by its modern structure. But I explored around it, noticing that all of the filing cabinets were locked. The computer was more than likely password protected, so I didn't even bother to try and get in. There was one file that was on the desk, next to it a notebook where there were scribbles all over it. As I opened the file that was next to it I froze in horror. Pictures of burnt and twisted bodies littered the front page. I lifted a picture to see just the hint of the words: Experiment 1. I placed it down and was about lift another picture when there was the slightest click. I looked up, startled. My heart pounding, I closed the file and slipped behind the shelves. I sat down hurriedly and began yanking books off the shelves and splaying them around me. When the light clicked on and washed over me, I was surrounded by books on mythology and dragons. Director Momsen paused, staring at me.

I blinked, "Oh, oh I'm so sorry. I took a walk and found this room, and then I found this section and well, that's how it went. I'm sorry, should I not have come in here?"

"No, no you're fine," Director Momsen chuckled. "I just was surprised is all. There's a lot knowledge to be found here."

"Mm," I nodded and bit my bottom lip. "I need it."

"You're welcome anytime," Director Momsen smiled. "There's just a small area that's off limits in the center of the room, its where my office is."

"Yeah, no worries," I smiled. I watched as he walked away, feeling a sense of foreboding within my gut. I spent a little while longer in the library, grazing over the books before placing them all back and escaping back to my room.

What were those bodies?

Why did Director Momsen disturb me so much?

I reached over and grabbed my phone. I clicked the screen on, but there was nothing to greet me but my screensaver. My heart clenched. Where was she? I looked over towards the window, noticing just the slightest hint that there was something else in the sky. I smiled slightly, at least Marek was home. I looked back down towards the phone, staring at the blank screen.

Where was my sister?

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