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"Hold still," I muttered as Marek tried to yank a claw away from my hands. He huffed, grumbling as he let me have the claw. I had a file in my hand and was filling all the edges so that it slid to one smooth and sharp point. I had already worked on his scales and scraping the any dirt away. I cut myself on the edges a few times. But overall I was quite pleased with the results that I had produced so far. And despite Marek's grumbling, I knew that he was pleased as well.

There was a knock on the door before it abruptly opened to reveal Jin. He paused for a moment, letting the door softly touch the wall. I sighed heavily, "When people knock, there's usually a pause to see if the other person in the room actually answers the door."

"Knowing you, you wouldn't," Jin replied.

"If I had known it was you, of course I wouldn't have opened the door." I yelped when the end of Marek's tail clipped my cheek. I stared at him, offended. He snorted.

"I hear you've been training with Echo," Jin said, leaning against the door frame like I hadn't just made it bluntly obvious that I wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

I sighed and pushed away from Marek, "Yeah, it hasn't been fun. Did you put her up to that?"

"No, that was all her decision." Jin chuckled, his eyes sweeping over my body. They lingered on my exposed collarbone, the bruise that blossomed over it.

I felt myself flush at the attention, "So, where did you go yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" he straightened from the doorframe, eyeing me.

"Come on," I chuckled. "I saw you in the driveway yesterday, you got into the car with the director."

His eyebrows shot up, "Spying on me were you?"

"It's a hobby of hers," Marek piped up.

"Is not," I snapped, immediately feeling my face grow hot despite the fact that it was entirely untrue. "All I did was happen to see you as I was wandering through the house."


"But how was your little trip?" I asked him.

"Why're you so curious?"

"Why're you in my room?"

There was a pause.

I decided to change the subject, "What about my test results?"

"It'll be another couple of days," Jin said. He grabbed the door handle as if to close it.

I stood, "What is so secretive about where you went? Are you just not telling me because of the fact that you don't know if I am actually part of this world?"

Jin's eyes hardened to stone, "Perhaps its none of your business?"

"Attitude," I crossed my arms.

He sighed heavily, "I apologize, there are just things that you cannot know about. And it is not because your delicate position."

"It's stressed you out," I observed.

"A little," Jin admitted.

"Did you want to talk about it?"

"Not really," Jin said, looking up and out my window. "Just make sure you continue your training with Echo, and stay safe. Alright?"

I nodded, surprised at this unexpected kindness and worry. He looked at me, sucked in a deep breath and walked out the door. I blinked, staring at the empty space. I went to sit down on the bed when another body filled the doorway again. Echo's blonde hair shown in the light. I groaned, "Not another training session?"

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