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I stared up at the ceiling, thinking. Despite the fact that the clock was flashing one a.m. and I would regret this when I had to actually get out of bed. Marek sighed heavily, "I can hear you thinking."

"So? And wait how can you hear me thinking?"

"It's bothering my sleep and it literally sounds like grinding gears in my head," Marek protested.

"Technically, since you've entered my life, my sleep has been bothered," I retorted.

"That's different. I didn't intentionally keep you awake," Marek growled, raising his hind leg to scratch at his shoulder.

I remained silent out of stubbornness and also because other thoughts that were spinning inside me had distracted me. Marek sighed heavily again and shifted so that he was sitting back on his haunches. He yawned widely, his sharp teeth flashing in the dim light before he stared at me. "What's on your mind?"

"The photos," I replied.

"Mm," Marek flicked his tail. "I figured as much, we never did get to show Echo earlier."

"No, we didn't. And I am worried that the file may be gone now. Not only will I not be able to show Echo it and have some one try and figure it out with me. But, I won't be able to satisfy my curiosity." I threw up my hands.

"Wow...it's amazing how...unselfish you are," Marek muttered.


"You worry too much," Marek admonished, waving his sharp talons at me.

"Tell me something I don't know," I kicked my legs into the air before letting them fall on the bed. "What I don't understand is why burnt bodies would catch the attention of the PAU."

"I understand your confusion. It could be a young person discovering that they have powers. Or a demon on the loose," Marek said. "It's the only reason as to why it would still have the attention of the PAU."

"I can't stand it!" I finally exclaimed and shoved myself off the bed.

"Great," Marek muttered, spreading his wings. "Now we're going on an adventure."

I threw on a jacket over my bra and shorts. It wasn't terribly appropriate, but I really didn't care if it was. I began to walk down the hall. Marek floated in the air before his claws clicked against the tile floor next to me. There was barely any light, only small little balls along the trimming of the wall to guide the way . I was about to turn towards the kitchen, when I paused. There was a door slightly ajar, exposing the moonlight along with candles flickering. And a shadow was moving amongst the light, elegant and sparking my curiosity. Marek hissed at me, but I was already moving towards the door.

It was Echo. She seemed to be dancing, her body twisting through over the small space in her room. She wore a bra and underwear that exposed a lean frame shaped by muscle. There was a bold 3 tattooed on her shoulder. She moved with perfect balance and grace, yet there was an undeniable strength and deadliness.

I blinked when I noticed something out of place. There was something else in the room with her. I squinted and realized that it was a cat. Startled, my eyes immediately flicked to her forearm where a cat tattoo had been. And it was gone.

Confused, I wanted to ask what the hell. But I also was torn with wanting to find out if the file was still there. I decided it was best if I didn't disturb her and continued on to the library. Marek stood by the doorway to keep watch. I turned the flashlight on my phone and snuck in, weaving between the bookcases towards Director Momsen's desk. Almost immediately I saw that the file was no longer there. My heart sank as I walked around to see the clear space. There were a new stack of papers though and on the top was a new report from Dr. Grimm. Though it wasn't about me, it had a massive red stamp with the words FAILED across it. Underneath it read:

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