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I felt my heart catch in my throat and I looked over her shoulder to see...her biology teacher from school? What was his name? I couldn't remember but why in the hell was he here? I had a feeling that she would be here, I had hoped. But I had thought if I had seen her she would've been in a cell or something. Or even on a table under Grimm's...control. But standing in the hall, on her own? I didn't understand it. I didn't understand what was going on.

"Vi?" I breathed.

Her head cocked in my direction, her eyes wandering over my position. "Scarlet?"

"What're you doing here?" I was about to launch forward but Echo wrapped her arms around my waist.

"This is my home now," Viola said quietly.

"No, home is...home is in Arizona. With me," I said.

"Not anymore," Viola shook her head. The biology teacher's hand rested on her shoulder. And he smiled. A wicked, handsome smile that sent chills down my spine.

"What have you done to my sister?" I demanded.

The smirked, his handsome face transforming into one of malice. "Made her better."


Something flickered in Viola's eyes but before she could say anything, the man's hand tightened on her shoulder. And her head swiveled in his direction, the confused look on her face changed into something more gentle. Something, intimate. Rage pulsed through me at the violation but Director Momsen stepped into my line of sight. He was smiling, so broadly and arrogantly. "If you had stayed where you were, this wouldn't have happened."

"What do to my sister?" I snapped.

"Something brilliant." Momsen smiled.

Guards grabbed us, yanking us away. I began to scream. Yanking and pulling against their hands as we were dragged away. The last thing I saw as we were locked inside a cell was Viola's unforgiving, blank face. And then the fogged glass slammed shut. I placed my hand against the smooth surface. Bowing my head and finally allowing my tears to fall, pouring over my cheeks. Echo kept her distance, out of courtesy and also because she simply just didn't know what to do. And what could she do?

"What did they do to her?" I asked softly, sniffling.

"I don't know," Echo said quietly. "But there's something different about her. But I don't believe that they put her through the experiments. Something else."

"She's gone," I closed my eyes.

"No, she's there. And we'll be able to bring her back. I promise you," Echo said.

"Just like you?" I turned slowly to look at him.

Echo's eyes widened slightly. "How did you figure it out?"

"When you showed me my worst fear, Viola was there. And despite the eyes, you two look exactly alike." I looked down at my hands. I chuckled softly. "I had hoped that you and I would look a bit more alike since no one can ever tell that Viola and I are sisters. Ha, I guess that was a little too much to ask for."

Echo frowned, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For lying," Echo responded, this time she was the one to look at her hands.

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