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"Marek!" I cried, racing forward only to have Echo grab my arm and yank me back. I screamed, skidding to a halt. I whirled to glare at her, "You know, you could've just said stop and I would've. No need to nearly yank my arm out of its socket."

She shrugged, "I figured you were too wrapped up in your movie moment to notice my telling you to stop. Because I did say stop, several times."

"I didn't hear you," I protested.

"Movie moment," she tapped me on the forehead.

I yanked away, "What movie moment?"

"The slow run of heroism," she rolled her eyes and then pointed. "The bars have an electric current running through them. It's why they haven't been able to get out."

I looked over at the cages that were built into the wall. Marek was inside the top left one and Paiute was more towards the center. There was a small panel on the wall next to the cages. It was a blank blue screen, but I had feeling there was a code or a fingerprint in order to unlock them. I walked closer to Marek's cage. His jaws opened, but I couldn't hear anything escape him. I wanted to touch him, to get him away from here. It was the same feeling I had towards Viola.

A sudden overwhelming exhaustion washed over me. I bowed my head, "They're going to come here first. They're going to know we want to rescue the two of them."

"One of them is already here," Echo said quietly.

I turned slowly to see that Viola was standing behind us, blocking the hallway. The paleness of her skin and hair seemed to blend together when the flashing lights overhead dyed her red. Despite everything though, she still looked like my little sister. I took a slow step forward, only pausing when Viola's lips curled up reveal the tips of her fangs. My heart was pounding in my throat. I was so incredibly scared, and while I didn't know why, it felt as though the air was evaporating. My heart – I realized – was breaking. Seeing Viola so...feral, and furious, I couldn't handle it emotionally.

I choked on a sob, placing my hand against my chest. My knees were shaking, and I held out my hand. "Vi?"

"You're still trying," her lips curled to reveal the fangs fully as she smiled.

"What do you mean?" I frowned slightly.

"You think that by using a soft voice, and saying my name with sugar that I will miraculously come over and hug you," Viola's voice was thick with contempt.

"Why would you hate me so much in like, less than a week?" my heart was still thudding but now it was passing a fierce energy through my body. Giving me strength, enough to take another step forward. "Viola? Do you remember who I am?"

"You're Scarlet and you are my sister," she cocked her head, frowning. "And I don't hate...." A crease formed between her brows. She shook her head, as though she was confused.

I took another step forward, my hand still outstretched. "Vi? Let's go home."

Her face – which had been blank only moments before – suddenly cleared, pure rage coloring her features. Her mouth opened in a snarl and there was the feeling of rapid air brushing against me. It pulled at my hair and my clothes. I blinked and suddenly there was Viola, in front of me. I screamed, stumbling over myself but before I could fall, Viola's hands gripped my arms. They were bruising and powerful, tears welled in my eyes from the pain. I bit back a cry, staring at her. Viola's red eyes seemed to be glowing, her jaws still parted. There was a low growl, something purely...not human. My breath was shaking; the hairs on the back of my neck were prickling.

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