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There was an audible click that was like a violent explosion in the silence. I staggered to my feet, looking around for the source of the noise. Emerging from the shadows was a woman. Denim jeans hung off her hips, brown combat boots wrapped around her shins. A plaid jacket was tied around her waist, just leaving the black tank top clinging to her thin frame. Blonde hair rippled over her shoulders like a golden river. And her face...it was completely stunning. Almost startling with it's beauty.

And oddly familiar for some reason.

In the woman's hand was a gun, and while it was next to her thigh, I had a strong feeling that before I could say "Oh shit!" there would be a nice solid hole through my skull. Marek whipped his tail through the air, this time missing spires. Blue eyes flicked in his direction and he said, "Don't harm her. If you hurt her, you will hurt me."

The woman's stunning but aggressive features changed to confusion (and did I mention that she was gorgeous?). "What do you mean?"

"We are bonded," Marek replied simply, his voice had a faint almost British lilt to it.

"That's impossible," the woman sounded extremely American, but it didn't take away that she had the Scarlett Johansson rasp that turned literally everyone into a puddle of lust.

"I know it is," Marek swung his head towards me, his eyes scanning me before looking back towards the woman. "Everything I've learned has told me that this can never happen. And yet, what I just experienced and what I feel now is everything I have heard about the bonding between dragon and rider."

Side note: If you are at all confused by what is going on right now, so am I. But there's a legit talking dragon next to me and I'm not going to start asking questions cause I can't even wrap my head around the dragon.


"What you felt and feel must be her power," a voice said from somewhere behind me (what in the fu - ? What did I just walk into?).

Suddenly, there was a hiss and my flashlight turned off. I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming as a ball of light lifted into the air before expanding, eliminating the shadows in the cave. I stood from where I had been curled on the ground. And there standing near the cluster of (I realized now) eggs, was a man. He was dressed in impressive black leather with pale, flawless skin, short buzzed hair, and attractive brown eyes that were deep set and angular. And nearly breath-taking with wisdom. I couldn't stop staring, it was as though I had stepped forward and landed plop in the middle of the ocean and there was no land anywhere near.

"What's your name?" his deep voice sliced through my drowning and yanked me back to reality as though I had been an idiotic teen girl the entire time.

....wait a second.

No, seriously, I can't be. I'm twenty-one. I can drink.

Drinking isn't really a sign that you are adult, if we're going to be honest here. I stared at him, realizing that he wasn't that much taller than me, despite the fact that I only stood at five foot five. Realizing, he was waiting for an answer, I said, "Scarlet."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the blonde shift her weight. But the man brought my attention back to him. "What're you doing here?"

"Exploring," I crossed my arms, realizing abruptly what he was getting at. "I decided to get out of the city and go camping like I've done a thousand times before, only this time I just had this strange feeling that I had to come here. So, I did."

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