After 1st period, i went to meet up with Maya, my best friend. Once she saw me, she started running towards me, "Have you seen Zach?!" she desperately asked. Her and Zach have been dating forever, even since the time they've been on tour. I'm guessing she hadn't seen him yet.

"I've seen them all but Zach. And Corbyn, now that I think about it," I assured her.

She gave a saddened sigh, when I saw Zach coming up behind her, he put a finger to his lips, instructing  me to be quiet. Then he tickled her side, "Zach!" she squealed as they came together in a hug. He lifted her off the ground and spun then set her down. I watched in awe as to how cute they were. Putting her down, they shared a kiss, they couldn't stop smiling, which made my heart flutter.

"Ayla! What's up!" Zach exclaimed as he brought me into a hug. Instead of possibly being reminded of Daniel for the third time today, I let out a deep breath, "You know what, nothing. That's what." I spoke jokingly as we all walked to our 2nd period together.


By the time lunch came around, I'd seen all the boys but Corbyn. And since I wasn't really in the mood to address the drama I knew was bound to happen in the cafeteria, I went to the sound booth to practice my guitar and ate my lunch in there. I started strumming the tune to 'Riptide' and paused to take the last bite of my sandwich. Then I started singing.

"Oh lady, runnin' down to the riptide, takin' away to the dark side, i wanna be your left hand man," I heard my voice. Sounding much better than it had before.

Just as I was getting into the song, I suddenly heard a familiar voice singing along.

"I love you when you're singin' that song and I got a lump in my throat cause, you're gonna sing the words wrong." My heart stopped, I knew that voice. I quickly turned to see Daniel, leaning against the door with his ankles crossed over each other. He was smiling as he sang like he always did. Because he really loved singing. It was his passion.

"Long time no see, huh, Ayla," he almost whispered as he walked slowly towards me.

I jumped up and stayed where i was, trying not to move, "No, and, I think it has to stay that way," I gulped.

He stopped. His smile fading, "But why," he started walking towards me again, "I don't understand why everything has changed so much. It doesn't have to be this way, Ayla." He got closer to me as I reminded him, "Because- because, it just can't, Daniel," I looked up at his crystal eyes, quickly looking away. Fighting temptation, "You know my parents are strict and they'd never let us be together again. Not after what happened."

Daniel paused at that thought, "That's the past. They've probably forgotten it by now," he tried. I shook my head, "Is that why they remind me almost everyday what a failure you were to me? Because they do that. They have done that every day, since you've been on tour," I replied, feeling sick to my stomach.

Daniels eyes weakened as he softly asked, "You think I failed you? You think I failed you," he started laughing. I stepped away from him as he started pacing back and forth, rubbing his head with one hand. The other on his hip, "I did everything and I mean everything I could, so that you could come with us, Ayla," He snapped, "I did not fail you," his voice grew harder as he came closer to my face.

"I never said you failed me," I said, carefully rubbing my hand on his cheek causing him to look at me again with those piercing blue eyes.

"You could never fail me," I continued. I realized I couldn't to do this. I was only hurting myself. Stopping, I mumbled, "I just can't do this. I want to but, my parents-" Daniel stopped me. "Who says they have to know," he interrupted me, gently resting his hands on my hips. Almost pinning me against the wall.

I thought about this, then softly pushed his hands off and him away as he let me.

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but, I just can't," I apologized. "Imagine what they'd do if they found out," I recalled on him as he turned and paced in the room back and forth again.

"I guess you're right," he said as his lips formed a small frown. He started to say something again but, the bell rang. It was my music period and his as well.

We stood there for a second. Waiting for the other to move. Then he walked out. As he left I saw his tears through the glass window that surrounded the room. Instantly hating my parents. Hating that stupid tour. But more importantly, hating myself. For allowing myself to let him slip away so easily.


first chapter of another book! if you're wondering what the whole backstory is, just be patient. that'll come along in the next few chapters.

also comment whether or not i should include Daniels Pov as well in the future. once again, hope you guys liked it!

love you all!


follow me on twitter: @__recklesslovee

few additions have been made to make the story better as of December 2, 2018.

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