45: New year

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*Sals pov*
I woke up. Another year. However, I was in a christmasy mood, even though it was the new year. I went to my wardrobe. I rummaged through it until I found it. My blue jeans along with my purple and black sequin top. It was originally supposed to be a t-shirt but it turned into a navel top on me. I spanned to the bathroom and threw up. I spun back to my room and brushed out my mane. I got my iPad and started recording a new YouTube video. I stopped after about ten minutes and went to the kitchen and started making something we didn't have since Tolop tried unsuccessfully making it: An Irish breakfast. I turned on the radio and the song I was hoping for came on: The fairytale of New York. "You're a bum, you're a punk, you're an old slut on junk" I sang and started putting the breakfast on the plates. "Something smells good. What have you been making? " asked a familiar voice. Breakfast I smirked and we sat down to eat.
I start singing Irish tunes in my head. There's a knock on the door. I get up. I open the door. It's Hellbent. Hello, what are you doing here? I asked. He came in. I need to talk to you. I brace myself.

*Hellbents pov*
I follow Sal to her untidy room that's covered with clothes and boxes, thrown all around her room. I clear my throat. I need to tell her two things. Spit it out, I haven't all day she laughed. I shallow. The thing is, when I was in Ireland doing the same course as you in, Photography slash media, I adored you. I loved your hair, your accent, how you argued back with the teacher. I loved it. I always wanted to spend Christmas with you. "Last Christmas" by Wham reminds me of us. Anyway, on with the story. But then one day, you stopped turning up, and it broke my heart into a million pieces. Then I saw your Instagram, saying you were now in Australia. So, I followed in your footsteps and moved back to Australia too. Then you meet Tolop, which made me a bit upset. Now, don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy and all, but I feel you need to know the truth, which is the other thing I wanna tell you: he is a step dad to another girl's kids. But she died of drowning in a river and nobody knows where the kids went. Some say they're in foster care. Others say they ran away. All I know is that they didn't go to her boyfriend because he was involved in attemped manslaughter, breaking and entering a house multiple times, selling illegal drugs, beating her up, even when she was pregnant with the kids, drink driving and, hacking, going under false identities. Now, I personally think that you would make a great mother to them because you're so nice to everyone . I finish. She looks at me weird. I hear breathing from the other side of the door.

*Tolops pov*
I can't believe what I'm hearing. Did I hear it right? I didn't know that Hailie had a boyfriend like that and then died. I'm now making it my plan to find my step kids. She had four. Their names were Rocco, Ace, Zelda and Piper. My favourite was Piper. I can vaguely remember her big grass green eyes. My other favourite was Ace. He was big into the fashion industry. This was when we were younger in 2013. We started going out in 2010. I'm twenty one now and Sal is twenty in 2022. Piper would be nine now. Shes the youngest. Rocco and Ace would be twelve. Zelda would be 13. She's the oldest. She has brains of a fully qualified nurse. Meanwhile, Rocco would be a gym instructor. The only thing i hope, is that theyre together. The door jerks open, knocking me out of my daydream. Sal stares at me with her blue eyes and her non existence blonde eyebrows go up on her forehead (No offence blondes). She goes back into the kitchen. I am so sick of this crap, I'm gonna do something about it she yells, as I follow her into the sitting room and she opens the laptop. What's their names? She asks, looking at the screen. Zelda, Rocco, Ace and Piper I reply, wondering what she's gonna do. She types in their names. Second name? She asks again. Tones I say. I leave her at it and go to the kitchen. I make her a cup of tea. I offer Hellbent a drink by he says no and leaves. I go back into the sitting room. She has now composed an email to a family that has them. Woah. You should work for the FBI with skills like that I say as I hand her the tea. Well, I'm hardly gonna leave them with some weird hippies that they don't even know that well, am I? She smiled. She went back to the laptop. Yours most sincerely, Sal and Tolop she types and sends it. I look at her, feeling very proud of her. She closes the laptop and we go back into the kitchen. The fry has gone cold. She notices this and simply wraps tinfoil around it and leaves it in the fridge. Waste not, want not, we can have that for our breakfast again tomorrow she says. She goes to the oven and opens it. An uncooked turkey and potatoes are in there. She turns it on and goes to her room. Keep an eye on it, will ya she yells. I go back to the laptop and go to my Mail. It's a message from my boss from the army. He says I have to go to America by April 12th. I feel this lump in my throat, and no, it wasn't my Adams Apple. I'm just gonna miss Sal so much, almost as much as my kids. I sit down on the couch and turn on the t.v. i get to the news. Citizens are warned to keep away from this wreckage for at least 48 hours. We do not yet know who started the fire. Thank you the reporter finishes. I switch it off. It's not our place, thank goodness. I go to my room. The ring is still there, in its grey satin box. It has purple jewels decorated all over it. It was Australian made. It's shaped into a star, which I know she'll like. Dinner is ready she yells. I run to the kitchen. She's just getting out the Turkey. She smiles at me. Can we go to a musical later or ice skating? She asks. I nod. Anything for her. We eat the dinner. It tastes like turkey and cabbage. She turns on the t.v and flicks through it until she realizes she has Netflix. I look at the time. Five in the evening. OMG, ALADDIN she screams. She moves up a seat and past it. I sit down next to her. Under the Christmas tree I see a discarded, unopened letter. I shrug my shoulders and leave it. Sal snuggles next to me and I put my arm around her. She sings along to the songs but when "A whole new world" comes on, she gets me to sign too. I can show you the world, shiny shimmering, splendid I mutter. A dazzling place I never knew she mumbles. That scene passes and she leans against my shoulder. I sniff her hair. It smells of peaches and raspberries. Her hair looks cute in plaits. I look up. Where sitting right under the mistletoe. Nah, that'll happen later" I tell myself. The movie ends and we get ready to go ice skating.

*Sals pov*
Me and Tolop find a ice skating rink. I clutch his hand. My hand is pale white and my knuckles are nearly popping out. We hobble onto the ice. I nearly fall, but I grab the wall. Once I got used to it, I was an expert. I skated all over the place. I see Hellbent with Pandora. I stop and look. He sees me and I skate away. He skates towards me. Just then "Last Christmas" came on. I look up. The roof is covered in mistletoe. Hellbent skates up to me and stops. I get right in the feels. Pandora and Tolop skate around us. As if a magnet is pulling us together, our lips connect. I forgot that we're in a skating rink. We're floating in a galaxy. We let go. I'm so sorry about last year I say. Awww he says and hugs me. Couple goals as fuck say Tolop and Pandora in unison. We separate and we go skating again. After about six minutes later, me and Hellbent see Pandora and Tolop right where we were a few minutes ago. I go over to him. Pandora and Tolop are getting checky too i laugh. We skate over. I fell again and i nearly twisted my ankle. Hellbent laughs at me. "The fairytale of New York" is on. After they finish mistletoing, we all skate around until we form a heart in the ice. Me and Tolop leave to go home. I change into my pyjamas and undo my plaits. Tolop makes us hot chocolate. We put on the movie "Elf". Which was mighty fun altogether. Then suddenly, he gently takes my head and we kiss. We stop kissing and we hug. Thank you Tolop. Thank you for everything you've given me I whisper. You're very welcome Sal he whispers back. After the movie ends, we go to bed. A cosy end to a good day...

Yup guys, I finally updated again. Are you proud of me?

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