3: sunsets and movies

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*Sals pov*
I stormed outside. Tolop was standing against the wall. I walked over to him. He put his phone in his hoodie pocket. Do you need a spin home? He asked. I nod. We started walking towards the gate. Sal! Someone screamed. I could guess who it was. Hellbent. What do you want? I asked, flicking my hair out of my face. You still up for later? He asked. I swung around, making sure to smack him in the face with my hair. I walked with tolop. It was quiet for a few minutes. Then tolop asked me a question. So can you speak Irish? I nodded and said dia duit, conas a ta tu? I asked. He thought a few minutes. It means Hello how are you I translate. He walks towards a park. I follow him. The sun glows through the trees, into my eyes. I put my baseball hat on and follow him. He sits down. I like walking here after school to watch the sun he says. I sit down next to me. A student from school comes up. You're Sal, the famous vlogger and new student? She asked. No, I'm tall I reply back sarcastically. She lets out a fake laugh. I look her up and down. You're wearing too much make-up I say. She acts shocked and walks away. Who in the actual feck was that? I ask Tolop. Melissa. Shes one of the biggest known people in school. She used to be the less rebel version of you. Then you came along and now nobody pays attention to her, except her friends, so I don't think she appreciates that he replies. We get up. The sun has come down and its five o clock. I think about Hellbent. Wanna go to Costa Coffe? Tolo asks. I nod and we cross the road. I shiver. It's cold I say. Tolop reaches into his bag and brings out another hoodie. I put it on. We go into Costa. We go back to the queue. Tolop says its on him. I choose a double chocolate mocha. I look around. Melissa and a few of her friends are sitting in the corner. Melissa looks me up and down with her fake eyelashes. I ignore her and go up to the counter with Tolop. He orders a caramel Americano and mine. We go out and walk to the apartment. I walk into my apartment. Nina is sitting on the couch. Where were you? She asks. I went for a walk I response. I go into my room. I have homework to do. I decide to not do it. I change into my pyjamas and go over to Tolops. I ask him does Hellbent live nearby. He says just underneath his apartment. I go down to his apartment and I knock.

*Hellbents pov*
I hear a knock on my door. I open it. Hello. Are you free? She asks. I nod and she walks in. She gets a cup of coke and goes into the sitting room. The remote is on the coffe table I laugh and sit down next to her. She turns the t.v on and goes into Netflix. She goes into her account. Can we watch Charlie and the chocolate factory? She asks. I nod sure why not. She turns it on. The star's start coming out outside. I wrap my arm around her. She moves herself so her head is on my shoulder. I feel my heart fill up with love. No. Stop it. She doesn't like you. I should never have acted weird to her in Ireland. She snuggles further into me. She does this for about five minutes. Are you alright? I smile. It's freezing cold she complains. Do you want me to turn on the radiators and fire? I ask. She nods and I get up. After I finish, I go back in. She has found a blanket from under the couch. It's a bit dusty because I hadn't been bothered to wash it or vacuum the carpet. The movie ends in a hour. She's asleep on the couch. I decide to leave her there. love you i mouth to the air.

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