40: every second is a highlight

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*Mikkis pov*
I go up to Dolan. I think I'm pregnant
I say. He nods. Ask Sal he says. I take his phone and ring her. It's four rings before she answers in a disgruntled voice. Better be important she yawns. Sal, it's Mikki. I think I'm pregnant I sigh. Go to the pharmacy, get a pregnancy test and follow the instructions she sighs back. I take ten dollars of the work top that Dolan left. I walked to the pharmacy.

*Dolan's pov*
I watched Mikki leave. I decided to stream on the channel. I set up the laptop and the microphone so I could go live. ( I dno how YouTube lives work, don't judge me) I heard Mikki come in and close the door. She goes to the bathroom and comes out two minutes later. My phone buzzes. It's a quote from Sal.
Every second is a highlight. That's the thing about Sal. She may be annoying but at least she speaks truth. I go to the hall and Mikki is standing against the wall. Mikki, I was thinking. Maybe you could go to Foster Care I tell her. She shakes her head. No. Why not? I ask back. She doesn't answer. She takes to the door and goes out. I get it. She doesn't want to be with us anymore. I'm okay with it. I go back to the stream. Ask questions I chirp. I scroll down through the comments. Mysticpurple asks how old are you. I'm as old as my brother. I say. Only few people know my age and I'm not about to tell anyone. Goofystar asks are you irish? Cause your hair. No, Australian I say out loud. My phone buzzes. I ignore the stream and check it out.

Tolop Can I ask u a question?
Dolan go ahead
Tolop does Sal ever act...weird around u?
Dolan no, y?
Tolop I'm worried about her
Dolan y?
Tolop well last night, she had a lighting candlestick under her wrist and she obviously had notions to sew her skin together if it went to plan. I stopped her
Dolan I'll get Hellbent to talk to her. But if that doesn't work, I'll talk to her.
Tolop thx

I got back to the stream. Ambergreen asks what's up. Opposite of down I read.

*Hellbents pov*
I woke up in hospital to the sound of beeping machines, shoes squeaking on the floor, toilets flushing, People talking...the whole lot of it. You're awake now, are you says a familiar voice. It's Andi.  I look at her. I love her at that moment. Her neat hair done in a plait. I shake myself. No, I can't love her, Sal already stole my heart. Over here in Planet Dolan everyone loves each other, but only ever In a friend's way. You're ok to leave now. Just don't start a fight with anyone she finishes. I get up and start walking. I consider taking the elevator but then I remember what Sal would say. It's so strange, she's only been here a few weeks and yet anytime she isn't with me, I feel she is Omni present. So I take the stairs. I go out to the door and start walking. I walk towards the park. I trip over a tree stump on a hill and stumble down. I brush myself off. I'm in the middle of a clearing. I walk on and I find a church. I remember it from when I was a kid. I used to go there every Sunday. I decided to go to bring back memories. I push against the creaky door. It's wet from rain. I push it again. It opens but only a small bit. I push my shoulder onto it and I nearly trip in. I see a someone sitting up near the front in the dim candle glow. I go up. It's Sal. Hey Sal I say. She jumps and pockets whatever she was holding. I sit next to her. Hey Hellbent, how's the form she replies. Good. There's an awkward pause. Whether on purpose or accident, she turns her back to me and gets out the thing from her other pocket. Sal, what is that? I ask, taking her shoulders and turning her around. I look down. Her wrists are bright red. I look into her eyes. Who did this to you? I ask. She doesn't answer but starts chewing her lip and looking at the ground. I got it. I put my arm around her and she cries into my chest. I put my other hand around her until she stops. She wipes her tears away. I came in the back way she says, getting up. I get up too. She starts walking. I follow her and we get to a lake surrounded by trees and bushes with flowers on it. She finds a dry tree stump and sits down on it. I sit on the one next to it. She stares at the gently rippling water. I look at the sky. My grandma and mother used to take me here a lot when I was a kid. Then my grandma died and my mother was More or less glad to be rid of me...so until you came along I was just staying inside all day playing video games and watching YouTube. You changed my life, since I tell her. She nods. She goes off her stump and sits on the wet grass and starts swirling the water with her finger. You know which movie reminds me of us? Beauty and the beast. You're the beast. You're really nice underneath. She says. Maybe it's the sun or it's just my imagination but she looks like a famous model. I sit down next to her. She continues staring at the water. She smiles and gets up. She suddenly pushes me in. I resurface and she's laughing. I start laughing too. We sit down next to each other. Then a rock splashes in front of us. She wipes her eyes. That's right, don't show your ugly mugs, the shock would blind us she shouts. The bushes on the other side move and Melissa and her friends come out, holding eyeliner. Melissa starts on her right eye. What's your problem? Did mum never tell you that it was rude to call people ugly? Melissa shouts back. I look at Sal. I leave it to her, she always has a sassy answer. I haven't got a problem. Have you finished applying your eyeliner yet? She scoffs back. What do you know about eyeliner you filthy animal yells back Melissa, now starting on her other eye. Pop up here and I'll lend some was her answer. Tell you what. Pop up and I'll lend you a bath. But I need to ask a question. Does daddy still wash your knickers and bras in the kitchen sink? Does the bath still have your rubber duck in it? She finishes. Melissa and her friends look absolutely disgusted as they walk off. She has a beautiful sharp tongue on her. I'd be her boyfriend, if it weren't for Tolop. He's really lucky to have her. People like her, Nina and Chloe are so rare, nowadays.

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