21: the car accident

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*Tolops pov*
I came home not long after Sal. She was asleep. I dunno why she's mad, but I can guess. I slept and woke up early the next morning. I wake her up with coffee and an Irish fry. She showed me how to make it. She made it look easy but it took me an hour just to learn what temperature sausages should be set at. Morning I say as I go into her room. Morning? It's like eight thirty, that's early Sal complains. I look at the time. 10:30am. She sees the food. Aww thanks, you made me breakfast and I did nothing but be mean to you yesterday she says straighting up. I go over to her. Who taught you how to cook? She laughs as she Spears a sausage. You taught me how to make this, remember? I laugh back. She thrusts the tray at me and heads towards the bathroom. I hear her throwing up. She comes back in, looking a bit fresher. She takes two waffles and shoves them in her mouth. She pats her stomach. Can we go shopping later? She asks as she picks up her hairbrush and starts brushing out her ginger treeses. Anything that makes you happy I reply. Sal phone goes off. *Haha I got a message and you can't see it* it's Sweet commando. Sal clicks off. He wants everyone who works for the squad, including animators, to go to the studio so we can have a group photo she says as she picks up a pair of shorts and t-shirt in her closet. She notions me to turn around until she's done. She pins her hair back with a Hawaiian flower. You ready? She asks, picking up her phone. We take the elevator. She puts her hand over her nose. I can understand. The elevator smells like piss. We go out of the elevator and she shoves on her​ sunglasses. We walk out to the blazing heat. We get to the street. Can I tell you my confessions later? She asks as she walks onto the road. Hit and run then I'm gone she mumbles to herself, qouting that Jedward song, Lipstick . I hear a thud and a scream. I look in front of me. It's Sal. The driver drives around her. One car stops and honks it horns at me. You're fucking heartless. There's a knocked out pregnant girl here and all you do is be rude I shout back. My phone rings. It's Melissa. Hurry up she says. No, Sal got knocked down I shout back. Melissa hangs up. What happened? I turn around. It's Andi. Sal got knocked out I cry. More cars beep. Y'all need to stop beeping and pay attention to what's lying right in front of you Andi shouts. The cars stop and the driver's meekly get out. Here, I'll call the ambulance Andi says as she takes out her phone. She stands up and starts talking. I keep rubbing Sals stomach through her top. I put my ear to it. Thank God the kid is breathing. Andi sits down next to me. They'll be here in two minutes. And sure enough, they were. What happened? One asks. He's a lightly tanned Spanish American guy. Sal would definitely fake flirt with him. She got knocked down by a car I cry back. Another guy hops out the back with a trolley. He gently takes her head while the other takes her feet and they gently lay her on the bed. I hop in the back too. They start driving to the hospital. I keep rubbing her stomach while she breathes through the oxygen mask. We arrive at the hospital and they immediately rush in with her. I follow. Melissa rings. I wait until it stops and I text her.

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