8: Painting with Tolop

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*Tolops pov*
I woke up on Tuesday morning with a roaring headache. I rolled out of bed and walked to Sals apartment. I walked in. I nearly stumbled over a box. I kicked it aside and went to the kitchen. She was sitting on the work top by herself. Drinking coffee and eating toast. She was dressed in a bar and short jeans. The amythest in her navel sparkled in the light. Hello. What do you need? She asked. Any cures for a headache? I asked, putting my palm on my head. I might she replied and walked to her room. There was a picture on the fridge. I stood on my tiptoes and took it. It was a picture of her and Hellbent. Only she had it cut through the middle. Suddenly a hand grabbed it off me and was replaced with something in can. I turned around. It was Sal. She was now throwing the picture in the bin. She turned around and looked at me. If you need any more, just ask me she said. The drink was called 7up. She says its an old Irish cure. I left and went back to my apartment. I opened the can and took a sip. Almost, my eyes started drooping. I took some more and in less than a minute I was asleep.

*Sals pov*
Nina and Chloe decided to go to work. I said I'd stay at home to redecorate the place. I decided to dust everything down first. I only dressed in jeans and bra then Tolop came in. He had a headache so I gave him 7up. He looked at a picture at me and Hellbent which I had cut right through the middle of it. I threw it in the bin. I got out the paint and started painting. But I was missing something. I got out my Sony audio system and tuned it to my phone. Music started blaring through the apartment. I took the purple paint and started painting the walls again. I decided on purple waves with yellow stars all over it. There came another knock. Just a minute I yelled over the music. I ran to my room and got my cardigan. I went to the sitting room and Hellbent was there. Oh Hello. What are you doing here? I asked, picking up one of the paintbrushes. I live here, don't I? He replied, picking up the other brush. Ya, so I said again. Your music is a bit loud he said. I put the music on again. And it never occurred to you to text me? I snapped. I smelled drink off him that he tried to disguise with Lyxn cologne. His eyes were bloodshot and he had to hang onto the chair to keep him steady. I decided to ignore him and go back to painting. Suddenly, he took my Sony speaker and smashed it against the floor, breaking it in two. I dropped my brush and bent down to pick it up. I looked at him. He looked back. I sighed and took it to the table. This speaker cost me two hundred Euro. You absolute idiot I shouted. He looked at me again. I went back to painting. I took off my cardigan and tied it around my waist. Then he pushed to the ground. I clasped my hand around my stomach. I turned around and looked at him with pure hatred. He kicked me. I stood up and punched him in the mouth. He punched me in the stomach then pushed me over again. I took the paintbrush and flung it at his nose. The door opened. Hellbent pushed me into the table. You little slut, don't flaunt your body he slurred and spat in my eye. He bent over me, knuckle clenched. Another hand blocked him. I wiped my eye and it was Tolop. Tolop took his hands and twisted them behind his back, like a security guard would. He threw Hellbent out onto the floor. Don't you dare to that to my girlfriend again, you freaking creep he yelled, shutting the door on him. He stared at me. Are you okay? He asked, walking over to him. Sure, I'm fine I nodded. Wanna let me help you paint? He smiled. I nodded. He took one and started painting. I smiled to myself and took the other. I dipped it into the yellow paint. I snuck up to Tolop. I rolled it through his hair, creating a yellow streak. He turned around and I quickly painted on a yellow beard and moustache. Right he laughed. He took his paintbrush and stuck it in my hair. However, it more stained my clothes. I grabbed it off him and advanced towards him. I coloured his t-shirt. I fell down next to him. He took them off me and created a yellow and purple strip in my hair. This is gonna take us ages to get out I breathed. We both stood up and continued painting. In less than three hours all the walls of the kitchen were painted. We then made a start on my bedroom. I dragged out my mirror and then started. Tolop had taken off his top. We finished the walls. We finished all the apartment by six in the evening. I'll wash your jeans if you want I told him. Are you sure? He asked. Chloe and Nina still weren't home. I'm very sure I replied. So he gave them to me after he changed into his pyjamas. I went down to the laundry room and turned it on for the night.

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