36: Concert day

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*Shimas pov*
Sweet commando called me. Hi I yawn. Read the group chat he said. I hang up and get out my phone. Twenty notifications from the group chat. I scrolled through it. Apprantely, Dolan had sex with a fourteen year old. I shook it off. I'll tell Sal. She will tell Goobie. She may be a bit bitchy but at least she's honest. I make myself coffee and go to my laptop and search up the video Sal narrated. I scrolled down through the comments.

Such an awesome countdown
Lovin the new girl
Do more videos with her
The new girl has such a fun accent.

And only 200 dislikes. 50000 likes. Seven hundred thousand views. Dolan did a good job, hiring her. Hey, I've an idea. I'll ask Nina if she wants to hang out.

Shima Nina
Nina what? I will stab u if u interrupt my sleeping again
Shima I was gonna say if we could hang out? There's a live concert down at Bondi
Nina sure, just give me a half hour.

I wait. Nina arrives in fifteen minutes. What do you suppose we do? She asks. I was thinking of wondering around the town I say, getting out my phone. To do what? She asks. Go in and out of shops, visit the church, go to the beach I say. She looks convinced. Right, let's go she tells me and goes out the door. Are we going to the live concert or what? She asks. I nod. We go down to the bus stop. We wait for the bus. Goopie gets off and hiccups. We smile and get on. We show our tickets to the driver and find seats. We get off in front of the book shop. We walk to the shopping centre. I buy a new pink dress. Nina gets a gray hoodie. Wanna go to the live concert now? It's free I say. Sure Nina nods.

*Nina's pov*
I walk to Bondi with Shima. Now where is the band? I ask. It's the tribute band to ABBA, Bjorn again she replies. I smile. I used to love ABBA as a kid, and I'm pretty sure I'll love the tribute band too. Shima walked up to them. Hey there, my name is Shima and I was wondering if I could get a selfie with all of you in it? She asked, taking out her phone. So polite,so yes, we will smiles the singer. More people started walking towards the stage. We've an hour left til we start. So you and your friend can distract them somehow until we get ready the gutarist says, coming over to me. I nod, feeling happy. Shima goes to the line. Right, give me your tickets so I can check if they're foolproof and stuff she says. I stand next to her. Together, we check the tickets together. The band starts.

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