twenty seven: collected

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My heart is heavy.

If it were up to Harry and I, we wouldn't want to leave New York, ever. It has easily become my second favourite city; London is still my favourite. After all, it's where I live so I'm ought to be biased. But I do have to admit that if we were to stay in New York for another few more days, London might move down a spot.

Alas, knowing that we can come back to New York whenever we want to makes me feel better about leaving this wonderful city.

Whilst I know that as soon as we arrive at London, we will have to return to reality, I didn't think it'd come to us so quickly. The moment we've landed, Harry received a call from someone in the office. He's called in for a meeting and apparently it's very important and urgent, so they need him there. Otherwise, they wouldn't have asked him to come to the office knowing that he just got back from New York.

"I'll be home soon," Harry says as he leans in to kiss me on the lips. "Don't do anything fun without me."

"I'll try not to," I reply with a grin.

He kisses me again and after letting out a sigh, he climbs out of the car and thanks his driver for dropping him off before telling him to drive me home.

The car ride from Harry's office to our home doesn't take long and as soon as I've arrived, I decide to take a quick shower and change into something much more comfortable. A part of me wants to take a nap whilst I wait for Harry to return home, but I choose not to. Instead, I get to the kitchen, pour myself a glass of red wine and make my way to Harry's office.

There are so many papers on his desk and since I don't really have anything to do – sure I have some emails that I need to reply, but I'll do it later – I begin clearing up his desk. I don't really know much about what Harry does, mostly because he doesn't like to talk about his work when he's home, so I take this as an opportunity for me to catch a glimpse of his work life.

In my head, I think about how Harry will appreciate me organising his documents because who on earth doesn't like organised things?

Everything that seems important to me is placed on the right side of the desk, meanwhile the rest is placed on the left side. I don't understand half of the things I read so after reading three of the important documents, I give up.

I'm almost finished cleaning up his desk when I come across one paper that catches my eyes. It's a form I realise a second later. Something tells me that I shouldn't touch it, shouldn't even pick it up to read it, but as always, my curiosity gets the best of me.

After taking the last few sips of the red wine, my eyes begin skimming across the form. Everything has been filled, except for a few blank lines and at the end of the paper, there's a signature by Harry and his lawyer.

Immediately, I'm glad that I'm not holding a glass in my hand as my breath is caught in my throat. I might have not come across a lot of documents throughout my life, but I know what this form is.

Harry is filing a divorce.

All of a sudden, I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I could feel the prick of tears behind my eyelids. I try to blink them away, but it's a pointless move. My eyes remain fixed on the form when tears run down my cheeks. My hands are shaking as I wipe away the tears whilst also trying to reach for my phone that I've brought with me.

I've thought of calling Freya but since I don't want to bother her on her honeymoon, I decide to ring Indie. I'd ring my mum but whilst I do have a great relationship with her, I don't think talking to her about this will end well. Not that talking to Indie would end well considering that she has no idea about what really happened between Harry and I, but I have a feeling she'll take the news better than mum.

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