twenty four: irresistible

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My father texts me at least five times a day. He would either send a paragraph of apology or he would ask me about my day, which of course goes unanswered.

It's so much easier to ignore his text messages when I'm at work as I can focus on anything other than the sound of my phone beeping every few hours. But now that I'm at home, all by myself because Harry's in New York for a meeting with one of his important clients, I find it a lot more difficult to ignore my father's texts.

I step out of the shower and as expected, there's another text message from him. It's a short paragraph saying that he's found my Instagram – his colleague taught him how to use it – and that he's happy that I'm happy. At least that's what he gets from my Instagram.

I feel bad for not replying because no matter how busy I get I always try my best to reply to all text messages that I receive throughout the day by the end of the night. But seeing that I already told him that I wouldn't reply until I'm ready, I push aside the guilt and text my mum instead. I tell her that I'll be ready in about an hour and that we should just meet at the restaurant that Amanda has reserved for us.

My phone rings before I get the chance to put it down. This time, it isn't from my father or my mum. It's a video call from Harry. A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

"Why're you only wearing a towel?" Is the first thing Harry says when I answer his FaceTime.

I roll my eyes. "Hi, Harry."

"Hi, bambi," he smiles, a relieved sigh leaving his mouth. He looks exhausted even though it's only midday there and I can only guess that the meeting didn't really go well. I watch as he throws himself on the couch and closes his eyes briefly. I wish I were there with him.

"Rough day?" I ask with a kink of my eyebrow. He opens his eyes and nods. "I'm sorry to hear that."

He shrugs and gives a dismissive wave of his hand. "Are you going out?"

"Yeah," I answer as I lean my mobile phone against my perfume so I can put on my makeup. "I'm having dinner with my mum."

"You're not going out wearing just that towel, are you?" He questions, an attempt to make a joke probably and I shoot a glare at him. He lets out a chuckle. "So, how's your day?"

"My day's been great actually," I answer, grinning even though that's not the truth. My day's been shitty and I always look forward to coming home because I get to see Harry but these past two days, I have nothing to look forward to at home. But Harry doesn't know that so I decide to mess around with him. "No one woke me up at 5 am and I got to take a shower without someone walking in all of sudden."

"Huh, I thought you like having someone walk in whilst you're showering," he mentions, deciding to play along. He looks so smug I wish I'm in New York so I can wipe it off of his face.

But two can play at this game. And I have a feeling that I'm going to win this one.

I take a few steps away from the dresser and drop my towel down to the floor. I can hear the sound of Harry coughing and a smirk touches my lips. I turn around, jut my hips out a little as I make my way to the closet.

Harry's faint voice is calling out my name, but I ignore it as I go through my clothes. I can't decide what to wear so I pull out a dark red dress and a mustard yellow dress, both dresses have only been worn once and return to stand in front of my phone.

"Help me decide," I tell Harry as I hold two dresses up in front of me. "This one-" I put forward the dark red dress before putting forward the other option, "-or this one?"

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