thirty: perfect

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Back then, I didn't see the point of Valentine's day simply because I believed that there shouldn't be a day set for when you're supposed to appreciate the one you love; it should be an everyday thing. But that changed three years ago when the love of my life convinced me to renew our wedding vows on Valentines.

Ever since then, February 14th is marked with an 'X' on my calendar. It's the day when we renewed our commitment to each other and promised that we'd be there for each other through ups and downs of life. It's also the day when we promised to put our past behind us and focus on the future.

"Morning," Harry whispers in my ear. His voice makes me feel warm and content.


Soft lips touch my shoulder, then, and I snuggle further into the body seeking my solace. The sheets wrapped around us are the finest linens I've ever slept in although if I have to be honest, their luxuriousness is nothing compared to the man beside me.

With his legs tangled around mine, his arms circle over and under me, cradling my body to his. I bring the fingers laced with mine up to my lips and kiss the ring on his finger. I still find it hard to believe that we've been together for three years. Three years and a half to be precise if I were to count the months we spent together before our vow renewal.

"Happy anniversary," he says to me.

I twist in his embrace until I can see him. A smile curves his mouth when he scans my face, the contentment in his eyes are palpable. I hate how perfect he looks right now. The angle of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the fullness of his lips – they're all perfect. I've never seen anyone as beautiful as him.

"I can't believe you." Those words leave my mouth before I can stop them. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

His brows furrow. "What? It is February 14th, right?"

I shake my head. "No, I was talking about your face."

"What's wrong with my face?" He touches his cheeks, his nose then his mouth, laughing when I slap his arm. "What?"

"I hate your perfect face."

One would think I've gotten used to his face considering that I've been waking up next to him in the past three years, but his pretty face is something I don't think I'll ever get used to. I'll forever be amazed by it.

Harry lets out a breathy chuckle, his expression softening into adoration. He props himself up on his elbow and looks down at me. "Your face is perfect."

"Flatterer," I jab his chest with my forefinger, to which he responds with a shrug. "Can you believe it? We're finally getting our honeymoon."

Soon after we renewed our vows, our careers took off and we barely had time to leave London so honeymoon was put off. That is until Harry decided two weeks ago that we deserved a break. We deserved some alone time away from our work, away from everyone. Besides, not only do we get to go on a trip, we get to celebrate our anniversary differently this year as opposed to last year and the year before where we spent it at a fancy restaurant, surrounded by couples celebrating Valentines.

"Which means we have to make the best of it," Harry says as he pecks me on the lips. Before I can deepen the kiss, he pulls back. A groan leaves my mouth. Harry has never pulled away from a kiss unless he has something else on his mind. "I have a few places that I think we should go to."

"You're only saying that cos you wanna put on your printed shirt," I tease him. I'm pretty sure he brought over ten printed shirts and I think all of them were bought few days before our trip because I've never seen them in the closet before. He's intent on getting the full living-on-the-beach experience.

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