seventeen: hostile

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One would think that after spending two days cooped up indoors, I'd be more than ready to finally have a reason to leave home. But that's not the case. This morning, I woke up with the strongest desire to stay in bed, under the sheets, and avoid everyone. Particularly, Freya and Niall.

I'm not exactly fond of them at the moment for various reasons. One of them being that they called me early in the morning to tell me that I should go for a cake tasting with them after lunch. I don't see the relevance in that, but after considering between sitting in my office room, doing tons of work for the rest of the day and leaving work early to taste some cakes, I decided that the latter sounds so much better. Sure, I'll end up having more work the next day but I can't care less – not right now.

"You look terrible," is the first thing Freya says to me when I reach her. Her honesty is admirable, really.

Niall silently nudges her in the rib, making her wince in pain. He shoots her a look before he diverts his gaze back to me and smiles. "You don't look terrible."

"S'fine. I do feel horrible so it wouldn't be a surprise if I look like it too," I tell Niall, shoving my hands into the pockets of my coat as my body shivers slightly. The weather is not exactly cold, but for some reasons, I feel cold. Freya, who notices almost everything, arches an eyebrow at me. I pretend not to see it. "So, are we gonna eat cakes anytime soon or?"

At that, Niall pushes the door to the cake shop open and lets both Freya and I walk in first before he follows. As soon as we're inside, a woman approaches us – she doesn't look any older than the three of us – and leads us to the nearest table after Niall has told her that we're here for the cake tasting.

"So, what's up with you?" Freya asks before I get the chance to sit on the chair that I've just pulled out. She keeps her eyes fixed on me whilst I pretend to check if the chair's got some smudges on it – it's clean. "You look like shit, honestly."

"Thank you for your bluntness," I reply once I've taken a seat. She gives me a pointed look. "But nothing's up with me."

"Please," Freya rolls her eyes. She taps Niall's forearm, then, and asks, "She looks like shit, doesn't she?"

Niall's eyes widen a little, clearly feeling awkward as he's being put in this situation. He coughs into his hand – most likely to buy himself some time before he answers the question. I appreciate that. "You do look a bit pale," he finally says as he scans my face.

"Hey, we're not here to talk about me," I remind them. I look around the cake shop, wishing that the woman would come back with some cakes now. "Which reminds me: why am I here?"

"Because if Niall and I can't decide which cake we want, you can be the tie-breaker," Freya replies quickly before another question leaves her lips, "So, how're you and Harry?"

At the mention of Harry's name, my tongue gets tied. I haven't talked to anyone about Harry and I, mostly because no one really knows the reality of us, and I suppose that's why no words seem to come out even though my mouth is opened.

I don't realise how badly I want to talk to someone about us until that question is asked; I never realise up until today how badly I need to confide in someone.

"This is about Harry, innit?" Freya urges and I have to bite my lip to prevent the words from spilling out.

Since the night he left the party after Audrey called him, I've hardly talked to him. I'm pretty certain that he must have noticed that too because he doesn't try to make a move on me. In fact, he's been giving me some space as though he knows that's what I need.

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