Chapter 22. The Love Gradually Grows

Start from the beginning

I started to walk towards the kitchen where my mother would probably be. I need to ask her about something. "Calvin, how's Kaisen?" I knew she'd be here. "Sleeping, he's probably being watched by Gavin right now. I actually have a question to ask." She stopped moving around and focused on me, obviously curious about what I would suddenly want. "I'm listening."

"I was wondering if you can teach me cook something? I want to ask Gavin to have dinner with me, you know just the two of us. I thought it'd be nice if I make something. It's more meaningful that way." My mom awed at me and clapped her hands. "Fantastic! That's very nice of you Calvin. I'm glad you're doing this cause you know, we all know you need to be making up to Gavin." I nodded my head in agreement and watch her think. "Oh, I know! I actually have a recipe for what I made for your father when we both met. It was a funny first encounter as you know, but that same dish was what made me win your father's heart."

I smiled as I can't help but recall the story of how my parents met. My mother is from a high class family but she didn't really get involved with any political parties as it wasn't really her thing so she hasn't seen my dad that much when they were young. Then one day, my father's family visited their estate for a gathering, a formal party, and when my mom was trying to make this sauce for a pasta dish, my dad came up to her curious about what this 15 year old was doing and scared the crap out of her.

My mom didn't notice my dad obviously and screamed when someone suddenly asked what she was doing. My mom yelled, the pan dropped, sauce went everywhere, my mom was devastated her food got spilled all over her and some on the prince. Of course, she was too mad that she wasted the food and screamed at my father not fully recognising him. My dad being an irritant 16 year old fought back and their parents walked in the sauce covered kitchen.

The rest is history.

"It worked out well for your father and I and brought back good memories when I cooked him the same dish. I'm sure Gavin would love it as much as your father and I did. Unless of course, he hates pasta. Do you know if he does?" I shrugged not really knowing the answer. "What can possibly go wrong, everyone loves pasta." She waved me off and continued to look through for her recipe book and I smiled imagining what would happen when I ask him out.


I groaned and continuously hit my head with my hand. I looked up and saw Timothy judging me. "Get away." I told him and focused my attention on Kai. "Okay, that wasn't weird at all. What's wrong with you?" I glared at him and my moment with Calvin from earlier today came back. For the thousand time. "That's it your going mad. Tell me what happened." Timothy said pulling one of the chairs closer to the bed. "Come on spill. Something totally happened. I'm guessing this has something to do with Calvin. I know I'm a genius, now go on."

I raised my hand on him and he moved back, obviously not wanting to get hit. Not that I was gonna hit him anyways...or was I? "Calvin and I may have...progressed more into our relationship." I said softly. Tim just happened to be eating grapes and choked on one. "Wait, hold up. Define progressed." He said leaning in closer. Creep. "We were just sitting here in the room and we were both watching Kai and then you know..." I left off feeling fucking shy all of the sudden.

Eww, I don't like feeling like this.

"You just have to stop now don't you." I finally slapped him this time and he tried blocking my hand away. "We kissed okay. Well, in all honesty it was more of a small make out session if you ask me." Tim stayed silent and when I looked up he had his mouth open. "Woah, you guys went from hiding from him to meeting up but only keeping it about Kai then you guys become neutral and now you're making out? You guys skipped the whole confession and date and holding hands. You went straight to bloody making out!"

Bloody, what is he British? Then again, I guess other people can say it too. "I know that's why I had to stop it. Well, I mean we were just slowly getting better and it seemed a bit too fast. Plus, Kaisen was like a couple inches away, I mean that's just not right." Tim burst out laughing causing Kai to start stirring. "Shut up, you're gonna wake him up." I said telling him off. "Sorry, but you actually stopped it? I wouldn't have had the power to stop. But yeah, it is a bit weird when your kid is right there I guess."

"Umm...Timothy can I ask you a question?" He squinted his eyes at me and I smiled at him. "You just used my whole name must be something really personal." Well, yeah it is. "Have you and know...consummated yet?" His face turned bright red which is very rare for Tim I tell you but at the same time he was giving me this look. "Consummated? Are you serious? This isn't medieval times Gav. not yet." He ended quietly. "Oh." I replied back. This has to be the most personal conversation we've had yet. "Hey, was Calvin your first?"

I froze in my seat and my leg started shaking. Oh fuck my life. "Uhh, no? I mean I've had a fling with Tracey when we were 16, remember her? Wasn't that good, didn't have sex for two years and then I met Calvin that night and yeah. I still consider him my first I guess." Sad but true. I hope you guys have your first with someone you truly love and trust.

"Wow." I nodded my head. "That's it. We will never speak of these conversation again and we will never have a deep personal talk about our sex lives until we die? Okay?" I nodded my head in agreement and the air felt light again. Someone knocked on the door and Tim and I shared a look before calling them in. Calvin's head popped out and my head started beating like crazy again. Tim must have heard it cause he looked at me and stood up right away. "I'm leaving." He just said and out the door he goes.

Calvin stayed where he was and cleared his throat. "Mind if I talk to you?" He asked walking slowly towards me. "Uh yeah, of course. What's up." He started rubbing his hands in his pants and he looked a bit nervous which isn't something I'm used to. "Um, I know Kai is still here but he will be out of here by tonight and I talked to my parents and they said they can watch him. I actually asked them that favour because I was wondering know..." He trailed off. I tilted my head and raised my brows at him curious of what he wants to say.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go and have dinner. With me. Just the two of us?"

My heart started beating like crazy again and I gulped trying to calm myself down. How can I possibly say no to that? "Um yeah, sure. That'd be nice." Thank god I said that out smoothly. He smiled but was obviously trying to hide it and my heart soared once again. "Great, um, I'll meet you tonight then. Don't worry about your clothing. Wear whatever, it's just us anyway." I nodded my head and he smiled again.

He looked at Kai and walked over to kiss him on the head. He stood in front of me know and my head just started replaying our little kiss earlier. Little I say. "I'll see you tonight." He said again and I nodded my head repeating what he said in confirmation. He smiled and poke my cheek. "You're adorable." He said smiling with his eyes and teeth and walked out the door.

My heart exploded and I think I might get sent to the hospital next.


Awww, they're getting better slowly. Hope you guys enjoyed that! I just applied to two filing out my third application for another school. Wish me luck on that and hopefully I get to a school I like.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter and Vote if you do, Comment what you think and hope you keep on supporting the story.

Thank you!!!


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