Chapter 27

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"WHAT!!? " Peggy yelled smiling "oh my gosh I know Eliza and Maria have been hanging out alot recently but  I didn't think much of them likeing eachother like that! ,  Guys we gotta make it happen!! " Peggy at this point was shaking John "Peggy chill" Alex said getting her to let go of a now very dizzy John,  Alex grabbed Johns hand and kissed Johns cheek,  "yes we gotta make it happen but how? " Peggy thought "we can make em go on a date like thing,  Eliza LOVES animals we can take her to a zoo along with Maria and ditch her. Of course they have been hanging out alot just them two anyways, ok, ok ok first let's see if Maria actually likes Eliza,  John! "
John looked at Peggy "yes?"
"You talk to Maria about if she likes Eliza you two seem like you'll get along well" John shrugged "alright,  Peggy you gotta give me her number though" Peggy shook her head "she doesn't trust random number anymore unless she knows who it is.. " John nodded frowning a bit "right yeah.. I uh understand " Alex rubbed Johns back as John leaned on Alex,  Peggy frowned a bit "Sorry John, I owe you some Drinks and food after this" John laughed a bit "yeah ok that'll work " Peggy smiled "alright then you approach Maria at some point and talk abojt the zoo casually and ask her about Eliza,  me I'm going to ask Eliza a few questions I'm her sister she will tell me in a heart beat" Peggy smiled "Not really" John,  Alex and Peggy all looked at the door and saw a smirking Angelica "Eliza told me everything knowing you'd tell others to try to get them together,  and Eliza liked Maria,  god she's never talked about her liking many people last person she liked was  Alex and she was heart broken after He said no" Alex looked away mumbling a sorry, "oh no I even agree when I say she went way to fast and you amd John are the cutest couple alive along with Laf and Herc, She said so herself,  but she really loves Maria and wants to ask her out but wants to make sure she's not going to  fast about  it" John and Alex nodded as Peggy looked hurt
"HOW DARE SHE,  IM HER LITTLE SISTER!  SHE NEEDS TO TELL ME EVERYTHING" Peggy huffed "well I'm going to  figuring out more Ang shrugged and nodded "just try to convince her to ask Maria out and John, you try that too" John nodded "alright we'll do it tomorrow John Maria will be here later tonight try to  see if you  guys will go out for coffee,  Peggy talk to Eliza tomorrow before she works" Peggy noddef "alright.. Alex you sit here and look cute" Alex laughed a bit "that won't be hard" John elbowed Alex "shut up babe", 
"Alright plan set. "

Alright sucky chapter  I know but this was just from the head shit imma try to work on  another chapter but I've been working on others and I've been dealing with my issues welcome new readers btw cause I've been noticing alot,  kay thanks for reading! 

I'm in love with this artists work
They are on tumblr its: capochiino

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