Chapter 11

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The few weeks have been calm I hung out with Laf, Herc and John ,.most of the time Herc and Laf left John and I alone and honestly I don't mind John is so sweet and funny,I love his eyes and the way they sparkle when he's passionate about something

I comfort him if his day was hard as he does for me, We walked around and talked I've ranted to him about Jefferson I was normally calm and argued with Jefferson logically but today I snapped I don't know what was wrong with me but i wasn't happy today, just one of those days i guess.
I  was walking out of class when he shoved me "Oh I'm sorry Hamilton didn't see you there, did you like getting your ass beat in class today?". Jefferson smirked
"You don't need to brag Jefferson now back off" Jefferson rolled his eyes and walked pass me shoving me again I snapped and punched him as hard as I could I dont even know where I hit him since I blindly did it with out thinking  but i heard him make a grunt from pain

He glared as he grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up like I was as light as a feather he punched me in the face and dropped me to the ground the first thing i thought, was that I fucked up I wish Burr would have been in class today he would  have been beside me and stopped this before I even punched him Jefferson picked me up again as kids crowded us yelling fight over and over again  I kicked him but it did nothing all he did was make a small noise of pain as he quickly recovered punching my stomach, I coughed, I regret punching Jefferson and now my vision was blurry from both dizziness and tears, threatening to spill out my ears were ringing from the punch after I dropped to the ground he kicked me in the face, I then heard yelling I shook my head and saw John in my face he was blurry but it was him, those freckles and curly hair gives it all away despite him being blurry,
I think it was Laf yelling and grabbing Jefferson's arm he was speaking French yelling, screaming at Jefferson, Jefferson was about to yell back before Madison came back with Mr.Washington "What is he meaning of this!? Jefferson, in my class now! John get Alex fixed if he's bad get him to the nurses office I will talk to him later" John nodded and helped me up I felt blood drip from my nose I'm pretty sure i have a black eye and my stomach hurt like hell "come on Alex" John looked like he was in tears i felt someone pick me up I looked up and saw Laf I was on the edge of tears i didn't let them spill, I regret what i did and my body now hurt like hell John looked at me and gave me a small smile my vision a bit clear now only a bit blurry from trying to hold tears back despite that I smiled back "Ok Alex we are going to Hercs and Johns room since we don't have medical supplies and bringing you to the nurses office is the last thing I want they don't help..., you'll be ok, I promise"
all i remember is closing my eyes after I listened to John, and everything went silent.

I woke up in a bed, it wasn't mine, I remembered what happened, I sat up groaning slightly from pain and looked to the side and saw the room had lights on the roof Christmas lights? But they were all a mix of blue and White giving the bedroom a nice tint of color  kinda like a nice night like color, i looked further to the right  and saw a tank, clothing and fabric hung up as well I tried to get up  but groaned and laid back down closing my eyes for a second John came walking in afterwards i knew because he called my name "Alex?" I opened one of my eyes and smiled "Oh thank fuck" John walked over and hugged me softly "Oh Mon Ami you're awake!" "yeah good else John would have broke down crying again" Herc laughed "Shut up Herc!" John blushed "h-how are you feeling?" John said his face still a bit red as Laf opened the  curtains I groaned from the light "Ok i guess .. By body hurts so much"

"Well Mon Ami you stupidly fought Thomas Jefferson ,Alexander"
I sighed "I regret it," Laf nodded "Well Alex" Herc spoke up and smiled as i looked at him "Laf and I are going to grab food since you'll need it you're staying here for another day Nurses rules " John said he can sleep on the couch" I smiled and nodded as they left John and we looked at eachother,
"Soooo.." He said
"Sooooo" i repeated after him.

((I wanted to post this chapter tonight so i stopped it here hopefully will post the next one tomorrow i have some ideas!!))

Artist- Ichuzou

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