Chapter 14

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                       Alex's  P.O.V
I woke up and sat up I was on the couch I looked around  the room right I was in John and Hercs room I looked at the clock "9am!?" I got off the couch and nearly fell from a major headrush  just as I heard  the door open.

I looked  up and saw John with two cups of coffee, and two sandwiches "John ?" He looked at me "Alex? Why are you off the couch?, how are you feeling ?" I saw a slight blushed form on his cheeks  "I feel better then yesterday at least remembering yesterday" John laughed a bit even though I said nothing funny "um so you hungry?, i grabbed some sandwiches  for us I just chose  white with bacon, lettuce ,chicken and ranch plus a few other things I forgot do you eat meat? I can get another if you want" I chuckled "I eat meat yes its fine thank you" I smiled as he gave me the coffee "black right?" John questioned  "Yup" I smiled as I grabbed a sandwich "thanks alot John" John smiled and relaxed  as we both sat down on the couch "So im a bit  curious..where are you from?" I tensed a bit "um..The Caribbean"
John nodded "small place...well compared to New York well its a small place by its self, Why come  to New  York, big city shit people" I laughed a bit "its just a dream to show people from my home town that someone  from such a small place can do big things" John stared at me "Well...." John played with his hands "How are you going to show people someone from such a small town can do so much?" I looked at John taking a sip from my coffee and looked at my feet "Well.. Joining the Army would be a good option" I looked back at John and be looked a bit scared "I mean... I want to bring justice to this city so a lawyer is my second best option" John nodded "I can, help with so much more  being a lawyer! how people are with Queer people..." John looked at his hands again "Yeah of course, Well its more open now these days" John shrugged avoiding eye contact "I mean well never mind.."
I looked at him confused  and worried "Is there someone in your life that isn't  supporting of that community? Its as free as it could be I mean its legal in the USA"

"Yeah I know, Its nothing" I sighed

"Well arent you gay?, Im Bisexual if that makes you more comfortable?"

John smiled a bit as he looked  at me "yeah I am,"  He looked cute with that small smiled "Well at least you accept kinda scared you'd  hate me i- wait how'd you know I was gay"

"Oh..uh Laf told me" John  nodded "I guess that works" John smiled weakly "something wrong?" John looked at me "oh no just, well.. My dad never excepted me, kicked me out as soon as I told him in grade 12 he was calm and then the next thing I know when I get back home.

My clothing are packed up in two  suit case's in front of the door, Dad was there h-he slapped me" Johns voice quivered  for a moment "he hit me....and told me being gay is a sin and to get the fuck out and my mom... couldn't do a thing..she just stared as tears rolled down her face " John had tears going down his face he quickly wiped them away with his hand laughing a bit, but obviously  not ok "So.." His voice cracked "I went to Laf's his parents allowed me to move in for the year and a half, and now we are in college...I can't  even see my family, I miss my mom" John laughed a bit wiping his face before breaking down and placing his face in his hands I hugged him and he didn't  hesitate to hug me back his face burried in my shoulder  crying I felt my shoulder become a bit damp but I didn't care I hugged him tightly "you're  ok... Im so sorry, nothing is wrong with you, " I said to him quietly,.

Soon his sobs tuned into quiet breaths I smiled to myself as he lifted his weak body off me "s-sorry" he wiped his eyes once again giving a smile to me, a real one.

"Thanks alot Alex,"

"No problem do you want to go out? ..I mean after you get cleaned up"

John nodded "wait you  mean just a friendly meal  right?" I shrugged "sure" John looked  confused before walking away to wash his face, smooth Alex, real smooth should have just said no I'm  asking  you  out, but I got to scared, he walked out of the washroom a little while later looking fine "let's go I can pay" John smiled "not going to turn down that offer" John sped walked to catch up to me as I walked out the door

-Sorry it took so long to wright this, but im just 3 weeks before exams, so updates will be very late it'll  be better in the summer got any requests I'll  take em~~

Artist- Szin

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