Independence Day

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Just a "small" (i wrote the begining 3 days ago)  one shot not part of the story Psh this isn't five days late what are you guys talkin' about... Im Canadian OK shush im sorry.
                      Alex's P. O. V

It was July 4th Independence day! 

We ran around the other day finding shirts,  shorts,  face paint (or regular paint though we luckily got paint we could apply your face without causing damage if you get it in your eyes)

"Alex come on your turn" I looked up from my phone seeing Johns face with the American flag on it,  his left eye with the blue, stars and red and white with a small rainbow heart on his cheek representing one thing that same sex marriage is legal here  , he was wearing the flag on his tanks top and just plain white shorts,  as for Laf he had a t-shirt on with the flag in the middle and the year america was founded to the recent year and just red and white strips on his face and shorts rhat are red and blue Herc had a top hat with the design of the flag his tank top  was blue with stars with his pants that were red and white he looks kinda stupid but it was for America as for me I just had a button up t-shirt that  was the American flag colour along with a bow tie the same way I decided to have a star on my left eye a huge one with little ones to join it on the left his of my face kinda matching Johns only  I had the big star I had red shorts to complete my look John laughed after we were all done "we all look stupid we have to take a photo" John set up his phone on a timer as he all huddled up after the photo was taken we all headed out meeting up with the Schuyer sisters as soon as we saw em we waved  Ang was in a tanks top which was the American flag,  dark blue jeans and her make up was interesting it was nice thick eyeliner (not to thick but noticable,  red eye shadow with some blue and her lips blue on the top and a mix like red whitish at the bottom not bad, Eliza had a dress just a above her thighs the top half of the dress was blue with stars as the bottom was stripped it was a summer dress so it wasnt tight at all  she had a top hat along with it,  her hair was in a ponytail showing her star earrings and her face painted with the American flag as she was holding flags,  Peggy was the best out of all of us she had a dress a little past her knees it being red and white stripped but the left corner of her chest having a square of blue with stars she had flats that were blue with stars her face was the same as Elizas but sparkly her hair was up with and scrunchy blue,  red and white lastly she had a flag tied on her so she has a cap that was the American flag we all laughed on how we looked and took photos,  watching a parade,  I grabbed Johns hand and kissed it he giggled we even got to throw axes,  shoot guns (with small tin bullets)  and sling shots John was the best shot out of all of us "dude hit another target!" Peggy said at John as John agreed almsot hitting the target "haha nice job curly love aside and see how a real master does it " we looked to the side to see Charles Lee,  none of us were fawn of him.  "What do you want Charles" Laf hissed at him holding onto Hercs arms "just here to shoot" Charles said as Sam joined him "you got this sweet heart" Sam cheered and kissed Charles cheek as he smiled and started shooting missing 3 times before finally getting the target "ha beat that" with that  Ang scoffed "move it Charles" She grabbed a gun and loaded a bullet shoving Charles aside he stumbled back as Eliza and Peggy went "ohhhh!!" As Us four (Herc,  Laf, John and I)  were confused "Ang never learn how to shoot right? " I mumbled to john as he shrugged as she shoot she hit the middle the first time and we all cheered straight after "Beat that Charles" she smirked and walked away we followed after her "since when could you shoot a gun? " Herc asked  she shrugged "paid for my own lessons",  The day went on and soon it was 8pm we all headed back to Herc and Johns Dorms "Alright guys I have something to show you! " Herc jumped up and down "so we have sparklers? "

"CHECK! " Peggy yelled waving them "and same with Glow sticks, bottles of water,   Fountain fireworks and  we even rented a truck so we can drive out of the  city,  along with food and water why what else do you got?" Ang asked "well what about Mortars Fireworks?" Laf smiled "yes please! Now these fireworks will make it feel more like Independence day! Almost like the first time I moved here"
"Right you were born in France " John mumbled "it been so long" I chuckled "well fine let's get going! "

We ended up getting Burr and Mariah (Liz's 'friend') 

We all got into the truck and started it
We headed out to a  abandoned field it took an hour and a half but  it was worth it John passed out his head resting on my shoulder.

Peggy was passed out her head on Angs lap we all didnt fit in the truck so some of us sat on the floor of the truck Herc was driving and I was sire after all the beers and stuff (Laf snuck some.. Lots)  Angelica or Burr will be driving us home tonight,  after we reached our destination it was 10pm

"Wake up babe" I mumbled as John woke up groggy "mm?  Are we here? "

I nodded "yeah we are" I kissed his head and got out of thw car as John streched and yawned.

We parked near a lake just in case we start a fire "so should  we start with the  fountain fireworks?" Laf asked and we all agreed "is this even legal? " Burr asked "oh Pshh of course its legal we arent doing anything wrong just a couple of young adults lighting up some fireworks" Peggy said
"Well young adults and teenager" Ang corrected "Shut up im 18 close though... " Peggy mumbled "well doesnt matter shes an adult in Canada and we arent even adults reallt not legally "  I said "I'll set then fountain fireworks! " Herc said as he ran with pretty  much all of them "be careful Baby! " Laf yelled at Herc as he was setting everything up  Herc lit up the first one and ran as we all cheered "Wooo,!!!  First one" John yelled after the fountain fireworks were done Herc was tired and pretty much all of us were cuddled up John and I were in a blanket cuddling Herc was grabbing more Angelica, Peggy were sitting beside each other as Eliza and Mariah were pretty much cuddling and Burr was sitting with his knees to his chest "alright someone switch me places someone who isnt Laf cause I wanna cuddle "I got it" Ang said getting up  we all cheered as she grabbed the Mortars Fireworks".

"Alright Ang run as soon as you light  it" I yelled "ive done with before Alex" She yelled back setting on of them up and running as she lit it we all smiled and clapped "mm I love you Alex" I smiled "love you too cutie pie" John smiled and we looked at eachother just as Ang lit another mortar Firework (mortar or morstar?  idk) 
I kissed John I  felt him happly kiss back running his hand through my hair as he pulled apart "Aweee" I looked over seeing Peggy im pretty  sure both John and I started blushing
"Shut it Peggy" John mumbled "but that was so cute it killed me when you guys weren't dating so seeing this makes me happy" I rolled me eyes "ok I understand Peggy just watch the fireworks now" Peggy chuckled and did as I said along with pretty much everyone else soon enough Burr moved beside us "you know I do agree with Peggy" Burr said to us still looking at the next firework going off I looked over at him as John was still looking up "hm? " Burr smiled and looked at me "you guys do make a good couple also.. I wanted to say..  doesnt matter how much I get annoyed by you guys,  I appreciate being with you guys most of the time,  its fun you guys are really fun to be near and super kind" I smiled and chuckled "wha-why are you laughing?  Did I say something?" Burr sounded a bit flustered ans I just hugged him causing John to look at us "We all appreciate you being here too!" Burr laughed nervously and lightly hugged back just as I let go I heard Ang yell  "LAST ONE" as she ran as it went up we all cheered at the last one "WOO! AMERICA!! " I yelled laughing.

We played with the sparklers and got backed up after as we started driving back it was 2am "did everyone have fun!? " Elilza asked and we all cheered even Burr "good cause im tired now " most of us agreed John was already passed out on my shoulder pretty much a few minutes after we left,  Peggy and Ang were leaning on eachother sleeping and Eliza was sleeping with Mariah in about 15 minutes,  Laf was driving as Herc leaned against the window sleeping, and to my surprise  Burr was asleep with his knees to his chest "So Alex? " Laf asked "hmmm? " i responded "what did Burr say to you earilier "Nothing much Laf, I can just say we mean alot to him" I chuckled "dude thats fucking cheesy" I laughed quietly and nodded "I know".
We all got home and everyone went to their dorms going to bed (well the sisters with home with Mariah joining them)


Artist- Caw-Chan: Tumblr

Its not really looked over to see if there are mistakes on it so sorry about that also sorry for the crappy ending there are 1763 words amd I dont wanna type anymore xD

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