I Remember | Elzbieta 'Ela' Bosak (Rainbow Six) x Artist!M!Reader

Start from the beginning

"I... just have one thing to take off my chest." I spoke with reluctance.

"Ohh? What would that be?" Ela asked, with a knowing smirk I might add.

"I... I may have... I don't know how to express it... I just wanted to say tha--"

"Oh shut it and kiss me." Ela teased, grabbing my collar and pulling me for a passionate kiss.

"...How long? How long did you know?" I questioned shockingly.

"Since we first met, don't think I didn't notice all the glances you gave me back in university, and all the letters you sent gave it all away."

I stood silent for a moment, until I had let out a chuckle. "Guess it must've been obvious, huh?"

"You don't say~. Well, I must be going now." Ela replied. Before she left however, she pulled me in for a hug. It... was firm, but gentle. I didn't want Ela to go, but knowing that this is something Ela needs to do, all I could do was return the hug, but with greater passion.

"Take care of yourself alright?" I requested, before finally loosening the hug.

"Hahah, don't be lonely without me~." Ela responded, much to my own expense.

"I-I won't! I'll be fine!" I stuttered, feeling my face heat up.

"Well, good bye for now (Y/N)" Ela spoke, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I'll see you soon alright?" Ela turned around to her plane, not hesitating in walking. Never looking back, only facing forward without regrets.

I remember reaching out to you as you walked towards your plane.


~ Years later, 2017~

I remember the incident, the one which placed you into a comatose state. Your sister, whom I learnt was Zofia had personally delivered this message.

It had been too long since I had last contacted you, I had grown to a renowned artist during the years, commonly considered the Picasso of the Twenty-first Century. Quite an accomplishment, but the fame I've earned never made me lose sight of my feelings.

But this news brought me to a pitiful state. No matter my fame, it wouldn't help in anyway to help you recover.

I felt dull, heartbroken, overdramatic as it seemed, I felt that nothing could bring me happiness. All I could do was fund for your recovery and pray for the best.

My motivation to create artworks was gone, even if I had, the art was too grim, too dark, and too sorrowful. Unfit for public display.

Truly, I was infatuated with you Ela.


~ Flashback Over ~

It was quite a week, I remember constantly checking up on you whenever I had time. These memories of our time together constantly following me everytime I've gone to visit. I've stopped grieving over your condition and continued the activities I've always done. As I knew that eventually, you will recover.

Walking to where Ela's room was located in the hospital as I've always done for the past week, opening the door and entering as usual. The sight of her peaceful expression had always brought me slight relief.

I had always considered sketching Ela in her peaceful state. But I never really did, considering that I've not found the motivations to do so. But now, I've decided that yes, I will indeed be finally sketching her. Taking care of Ela like I've always done, tucking her pillow, straightening her blanket and the like, all I've done from then was sketch. The silence brought me comfort, knowing that it was only you and me, Ela. The scenery out the window too also brings me peace.

I don't remember how long I had been sketching for, but it must've been a long time. Considering the sun was finally setting. Packing up my equipment as I've usually done when I finish my visits, I was quite surprised. I heard groans, groans...? Instantly facing towards the source of the groan, I saw Ela relieving her headache.

"Ela!" I shouted, rushing towards her bed. "You alright? Need anything?"

"Hah... (Y/N)...? Where am I?" Ela asked, still relieving herself of the headache.

"You're in Berlin's hospital, after the incident, you were transferred here for recovery."

"... Ah, right. Guess I should've been more careful, huh?" Ela joked, giving a small chuckle.

"Indeed." I replied, returning the chuckle, "Good to see you haven't changed much all this time."

"You haven't changed much either,"

"Still, you have worried me quite a lot."

"I can tell, your eyes are bloodshot, from how you reacted from my awakening and judging from the night outside, you've been taking care of me for a while now." Ela stated informatively from her observations. Truly, she was indeed a smart woman, and a very competent soldier.

Standing there surprised, I eventually let out a chuckle." I take back what I said earlier, you've grown to become an outstanding person." A chuckle was given from Ela in response. "Still... I wouldn't know what I would do if you... Losing you... I don't want to imagine it."

"Oh stop worrying about me you dork~" Ela teased. "Just come sleep with me already."

Reluctantly, I obliged with her request, with her scooting a bit to allow room for me to join with her. Wrapping the blanket onto both of us, the space between us was non-existent.

Allowing my arms to wrap around her waist, she wrapped her own around mine in response.

"Now don't do anything funny got it?" Ela threatened, her expression no longer being of amusement.

"Wh-why I would never! I wouldn't f dare to violate my muse!" I shouted with a definite flustered expression, my face probably reddened beyond belief.

"Haha! I'm kidding I'm kidding." Ela teased once again, staring into my (e/c) with her own brown ones. Before giving a quick peck on the lips. "Night (Y/N)."

"... Goodnight Ela." I replied, pecking her forehead, then snuggling deeper and allowing the comfort of rest take over.

Truly, Ela, you have captivated me. The feeling of companionship you've brought me despite our differences. I will always cherish the memories we made together.


Was tempted to write this story as angst, but decided not to write as such.

So... Um... About the long wait... I was lazy... And I only want to write the something up to my standards lmao. But I can assure you all that I am in fact alive.

Also, many thanks to those who added this terrible collection into their reading lists, much appreciated.

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