"You certainly can't wait for her for another 3 years...come on! This is so hopeless...I don't think it's even worth talking...you need to have a real girlfriend mate." 

"I guess..." Louis said shrugging his shoulders.

"Now, show me the apartment..I am dying to see it!" Niall said pulling Louis...

"Oh! Right!" Louis said and they both walked out happily.


"WOAH! This is....wonderful!" Niall said as he walked around the huge apartment.

"I know right?" Louis said with a smirk.

"I am gonna love hanging out here with you!" Niall said, "Nice choice mate, I have heard choosing the right place to live is a headache can't believe you did it alone." Niall said,

"Well, Not exactly alone...." Louis said rubbing the back of his head, "Harry was with me..."

"Who? The new guy?" Niall said,


"So he helped you?"

"Yes...he was with me all along, trust me Niall he is so amazing, he is more smart than he seems."

"Someone's making new friends I guess..." Niall teased,

"You too are gonna love him, he is fun, understanding, helpful and above all you can easily hold a conversation with him, we talked a lot, and I don't have those sort of deep talks with anyone else but you..." Louis said,

"If that's true I would love to meet him..., Do you wanna go back Or we can just hang out here..."

"Wanna play video games?" Louis said with a playful smile,

"Only if I get to win.." Niall said,

"You wish, loser...." Louis said as he walked to get his Xbox out.


"How do I look?" Harry asked nervously,

"For the tenth time today, you look fine Harry...would you stop now?" Liam said,

"Someone's nervous to see his boyfriend in party....I think that's cute.." Zayn teased.

"Shut up..He is not my boyfriend.."

"Yet.." Zayn added.

Harry just shook his head and blushed.

"I think we should leave now," Liam said looking at his watch.

They nodded.


"There comes my favourite people from office! Happy Halloween!" Mark said as he welcomed Harry, Zayn and Liam. He was really unlike the other bosses. He was sot of Boss who actually gives an informal Halloween party. He was more of a fatherly figure to everyone, he was fun, smart and he knew exactly how to keep his employs happy, may that was the reason Poulston was such a success.

"Happy Halloween Sir.." They said,

"Really? I thought your favourite person in office was me! That was a bummer!" Louis said as he appeared from behind Mark and made Harry's heart skip a beat.

"Oh! Son, C'mon, you know you are my most favourite person in the whole world, except your mom of course." He said wrapping his arm around Louis'shoulder.

"I know, I was kidding, Hello everyone!"

"Okay, I am gonna leave you kids alone...have fun!" Mark said as he left to where his friends were standing.

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