Chapter 31 - Why so surprised?

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Brad's POV:

Last night was just amazing! Just how I pictured our last show here in the UK to go. Also going out for a late dinner with the boys, and Bella and Sarah was fun.

Right now, I'm laying in my bed, reading the comments on my latest post on Instagram. And yes, I have seen Sarah's comment, but did not know how to replay back to her. Lots of the fans was asking if we where a thing. And to be honest with you all, I wish we were. I have never met a girl like her before. I know she is a fan of us, because she told me the other day. But she treats me like a normal person. She wants to know me, not the boy who is on stage every other night preforming for thousand of fans.

After laying for another minute or so, I decided it was time to go and talk to James. I really need another persons opinion, and also, he is the only other person who I trust with this. No way would Tris and Con be able to keep this a secret.

I was soon stod outside James room. I knocked and waited for him to replay. Or at least him giving me a sign that he was awake.

"Come in" Took him long enough. I opened the door a little before making my way in. He was no were to be seen.

"James?" I called. He said I could come in, right?

"In here" Oh, he is in the bathroom. I sat on the bed and waited for him to finish whatever he was doing.

"So Brad, what brings you here this early in the morning?" He asked, as he made his way over to the bed, and sat down next to me.

"I kinda need some advice" I told him, unsure of how to continue this conversation.

"On what?"

"Sarah" Was all I said back. My fingers playing with each other in my lap. No way was I looking him in the eyes right now.

"What about her?" I could hear that he had a smirk on his face while saying this. I just gave him a small glare. He knows exactly what I am talking about.

"You know what I mean"

"I know you like her, yes. But what advice do you need" He ask back, still with that annoying smirk on his face.

"How to tell her how I feel" I told him back, still looking at the floor. "How do you start a conversation like that?"

"Brad Simpson, the ladies man, dont know how to tell a girl that he likes her?" James ask, and if I am honest with you, he looks surprised. Why is he so surprised by this?

"Why so surprised?"

"You have never had any trouble telling a girl you like her before" He told me "Why now?"

"Honestly?" I say looking at him. His face telling me to continue "I dont know, there is just something about her. Something different. I dont know what it is though" I tell him, this time, looking straight ahed, on the wall in front of us.

"You know what Brad. Start to flirt with her. Invite her over to us later tonight, and start to flirt with her. Maybe that will help you out a little?" He said "Call her now"

"You know she is in school? Right?"

"Yeah, but try calling first, maybe she have break. And if not, text her, so she can answer later" He says with a pat on my shoulder. I take my phone out of my pocket and find her number. It starts to call, and I am waiting for an answer.

"Hello this is Sarah" Wow, what happened to her? Did she die and than wake up again?

"Did you die or something on your way back to your house yesterday?" I ask her back, not giving her an hi back. It take her some time to answer. Did she die now?

"No, just thinking" She answer me back. Ok, she is acting strange.

"About..?" I ask even further

"School" she says way to quick, and before I can say anything, she continue "Anyway, whats up?"

"Ehm, me and the boys was wondering if you and Bella was free later on?" I see James giving me a thumbs up. I just stick my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, but what are you and the boys doing now" Ok? why is she asking me this? And how long is the breaks you get at school? We have been talking for about five minutes now.

"Nothing, why?" What is this girl up to?

"Me and Bella will be around in like twenty minutes" Wait what? I dont even get to answer her before she hang up on me. I look up at James

"So what did she say?" He ask, his smile growing every second.

"They will be around in twenty minutes?" I tell him, a little unsure. Was she serious? Or is she fooling me?

"They are?" James asked, now he was confused as well

"I think so, yeah" Before James can say anything more, I am running out of his room and back to my own. Jumping in the shower before starting to get ready.

Things to do today; Flirt with Sarah.

Just Luck //Bradley Simpson//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz