Chapter 16 - Breakfast

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Sarah's POV

To my surprise I woke up at seven in the morning. Normally I would sleep until like eleven or twelve in the weekends, but not today. Today was a big day. Me and Bella was gonna chill and hang around with our idols. Like literally. I can't belive this is even happening, for me this was still some silly dream I was having. 

After laying in my bed for a good hour I got up to get ready for the big day. We where having lunch with the boys in five hours. Jumping in the shower I turned on the water singing along to the radio. After about ten or so minutes, I got out and dried myself.

At the same time I put my last bit of clothing on, my phone vibrated on my desk, indicating I had a new notification. As I picked It up, I saw it was a new DM from Brad. My heart literally skipped a beat as I opened my phone.

DM conversation

B - Hey Sarah, how is your morning going?

S - Its going good Brad, thanks. How about yours?

B - Mine is good too! Excited for the show tonight?

S - Yes! Like super excited, been waiting for this day for like nine months now 😩

B - Good, good. Look I was wondering, have you had breakfast yet?

S - No, was just about to go downstairs to get some, why?

B - Fancy, meeting me in the park, so we could get breakfast together?

S - Yeah sure! I'll be there in like ten minutes ☺️

B - Awesome, can't wait ! x


So now I am having breakfast with Brad. Just him. Me and him alone. No-one else. Like what is life right now? After me just standing in my room for what felt like one whole hour, I ran down the stairs, skipping in to the living room where my mum sat watching TV. 

"Hey, sweetheart. Why are you up so early? And what's up with the happy mood?" She asked, her expression a little bit scared. As I said, I was never up this early. And never, I repeat, never was I in a good mood in the morning.

"I'm meeting up with a friend from school for breakfast" I told her with a smile on my face.

"Ohh do I know this friend of yours" she asked further.

"No, I don't think so" I answered back. "And remember, the concert is today, so I am going to Bella right after!" I yelled before I was out the door. 

I never told my mum we were hanging with the boys. She didn't need to know that. This was something me and Bella had agreed on to not tell anybody. This was our little secret, together as best friends. 

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