Chapter 3 - Do I like it?

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Brad's POV

"And done" i said. The boys was clapping me on the shoulder and ruffling my hair. They though I had prest send, what they didn't know, was that I never pressed the send button. I know, I'm a little chicken, but have you seen that girl? she is absolutely beautiful!

While the other boys was chatting with Robert, I think thats the interviewers name is anyway, I went on her profile and saw that she had posted a new selfie just twenty minutes ago. Why am I so scared to send her a DM, or even liking her photos? What is wrong with me? She gets over 2,000 likes on each of her posts. And she has over 6,000 followers on Instagram, I bet she wouldn't even notice if I liked one of her posts.

"Ok boys, this is all we had time for today, thank you for coming. And Brad" I looked up.

"Good luck with that girl" he said smiling

"Thank you" I said, giving Robert a fake smile.

I took of the radio headphones and walked out of the studio, to be meet with a smiling Joe.

"You did great in there boys, good job. Now, lets get going, we have a soundcheck to do for the show tonight!" he clapped his hand together and followed us out, and in to the van.

I was sitting at the very back all by myself with my phone in my hand. Should I like it? The photo Sarah put out this morning. And yes her name was Sarah, she is seventeen and live in London. How do I know that you may ask, well it's not only fans who knows how to stalk a person. Me and the boys used to do it all the time when we just started as a band. We found girls we though looked pretty and stalked them. Creepy I know, but we all do it.

I was still sitting staring down at my phone. I am going to pres the like button today, and I am going to follow her. I am Brad Simpson for god sake, I'm not afraid to like a girls photo, I'm not afraid to follow people on social media. And I know she is following me, however se never liked any of my photos, I have checked every singel one I have ever posted.

I saw the arena of Manchester come into view. I closed my eyes hard, before opening them. Holding my breath I pressed the follow button, and liked her post from this morning. No going back now I though at I let myself breath again.

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