Chapter 5 - Typical fan girls

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Sarah's POV

I must be dreaming. This is not real life. Not in a thousand year I would think Bradley Will Simpson would ever find me, or even notice me. What is even real life now? I was sat through the whole class just staring at the persons head in front of me. How did he even find me? No scratch that, why did he suddenly like AND FOLLOW me at the same day? This cannot be real, can it?

For the second time today my daydreaming come to an end by my best friend Bella, this time waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sarah, are you ok?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"Isabella" she got a worried expression on her face. I never called her that. She waited for me to continue.

"Brad Simpson liked my post on Instagram" I told her, still staring right in front of me.

"He what?" she asked. She had heard what i said. And as I slowly started looking at her, I could se the smile grow on her face.

"He liked my photo Bella, and he is now also following me" I said. The smile on Bella's face grew even bigger if thats even possibly. Suddenly she started jumping up and down like a crazy fan girl. Me soon joining her actions. We stood there in the middel of the classroom jumping and almost screaming, the teacher just looking at us shaking his head before leaving the classroom and let us girl be. What can I say? We both love that band, and we are just being typical fan girls.

When lunsj came around, me and Bella went over to our usual table by the window in the canteen. I put my tray with food down on the table before taking a seat. We where soon joined by some of our other friends, Melissa, or Liss, Christoffer, or Chris and Theo, or as we call him T. The other soon started to do some small talking as I took out my phone.

I opened the Instagram app. I wanted to see what Brad's fans had commented on my post. Most of them was telling me how lucky I was, but one of them stood out to me:

"@SopheLoveTheVamps: Is this the girl you where talking about in the interview this morning? She is pretty, go for it."

Was I the girl he was talking about? No thats impossible, he sent that girl a DM. He said so himself. No, I was not that girl.

Just Luck //Bradley Simpson//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang