Chapter 12 - Dreaming

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A little note:

Just for you TheVampsRiya , hope you like this part too :)) xx

Sarah's POV

I was sat on the bench with my phone in my hands. I was currently looking throng some of mye pictures I had taken with my phone. Deleting some of them, while favoriting others. I had been doing this for about ten or fifteen minutes before a ball suddenly landed by my feet.

"Sorry, my friend over there got a little carried away" a young boy shouts, I was still looking at the ball on the ground. I was about to tell him that it was nothing to worry about, but as I look up, no words were able to get out of my moth. It was him. Bradley Will Simpson was standing in front of me. The only thing I could do was stare. This is a dream, I am so dreaming this, no way this is real. 

"Hey Brad, you comping with the ball or not"  one of the other boys shouted, it was Tristan. Tristan Evans was here too! Brad, who also seemed to be in a trans, turned around to look at the boys.

"Yeah, just a sec" he yelled back. He bent down to pick up the ball from my feet, and kicked the ball over to the other boys.

"Hi, mind if I take a seat?" He asked me with a shy smile on his fase.

"No its ok, you can sit if you want" I tell him while smiling. Ok I'm doing a good job so far at not being a crazy fangirl. 

"I'm Brad by the way" He takes his hand out for me to shake. Still being the calm me, I take his hand and shake it. 

"Sarah" I tell him. We sit in silence for a little while, still holding hands. I am still holding hands whit Brad Simpson. Ok stay calm Sarah, just stay calm I tell myself in my head. 

"You want to join us?" Brad suddenly ask me. He asked me if I wanted to play football with him and the boys. And on top of that, we where still holding hands.

"Sure, why not" NO! Sarah what are you thinking? They are the vamps for god sake! They play in your favorite band. You are doomed to start to fangirl when you meet the other three. 

"Awesome, come on lets go" Brad says, and drag me along over to the other three boys who was now kicking the ball around again. This is so a dream, no way is this real life. 

"By the way, the photo you posted on Instagram today was beautiful" Brad says as he get the ball and pass it to Connor, before running towards the goal. I stand there in complete shock.  Brad remembers me, he knows me. Brad Simpson had seen my resent post on Instagram. This day is just getting crazier by the minute. 

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