Chapter 19 - The DM

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Sarah's POV

As I was walking closer to Bella, I could se that her lips where moving the slightest. Was she talking to herself? As I came even closer I could hear what she was saying for her self. 

"Keep calm, keep calm, keep calm" I started laughing a little bitt before I put my hands on her shoulder. She jumpet a little bit before she looked at me. 

"You okay there Bella" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, totally?" She said it like a question that only made me laugh. I indicated that she should follow me, and with small steps we started to make our way back over to the boy.

"Boys, let me introduce you to my best friend, Isabella" I said

"Just Bella" she said back while she was looking at the ground. Was she being shy? Bella is never shy, she is that girl that never shut up, and that you wish would become shy. I had never seen her like this before, this was a totally different Bella than I had knew since I moved her. And to be honest, I liked the not shy Bella better, the shy one was a bit odd. 

"Shall we start going to Nando's or...?" Tristan asked us

"Huh?" I answered, not quite catching on what he was saying. But before he had a chance to repeat his question Bella spoke up. 

"Sure, I am starving" This was the first time she had looked up from the ground, and she was also back to the old Bella. What is going on in that girls brain right now. I bet my whole face was a question mark right now. I was pulled out of my own little world when Brad suddenly steppet in fornt of me.

"You okay, you look a little confused?"

"No, yeah I am fine, fell out for a second there, thats all" I told him with a stiff laugh.


As we where getting closer to Nando's I suddenly remembered the radio interview the boys did about a week ago, and the DM that Brad had sent to this mysterious girl. Should I ask him, or would that be a bitt awkward? He barely knew me, what if he would think I was nos....

"Hey, you ok" Brad asked me for the second time today, and also dragging me out of my thought before I could finish them.

"Yeah, I'm fine, nothing to worry about" I told him with a little smile. He gave me one back, just as we reached the restaurant. 

I decided that I would ask him about the DM another time, a time we where alone and not have four other people around us. Now it was time to eat, as I am starving, and I know I am not the only one. 

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