Chapter 1:Fat

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     Fat. What exactly is fat? Fat is a natural oily or greasy substance occurring in a persons body. Fat is something we need to live. There is no possible way for someone to not have fat. So why use this word to describe a person? To humiliate them? I started wondering the same thing when I started school.

     I remember it as if it happened yesterday. I didn't really know anybody nor did I know english. I quickly learned,this was a bad thing. I was a little bigger than the rest of the girls,they would say things to me but I didn't understand. I always got along with every kid so, why was it different at school?

     I wondered why all the other kids didn't want to play with me.Did I do something wrong. I've barley met them, I didn't do anything. This continued on for a while til I started to pick up on my english. Oh how I hated learning english, because I finally understand what the other kids were saying to me.

     "You're fat,we don't want to play with you,". "Ew,go away piggy,". My childhood friend started calling me names too. Soon I found myself alone, and seperated. I don't understand, what did I do to deserve this? I didn't do anything to them. The teachers...oh looking back they were no help.

    They told me to ignore it!But how do you ignore demons that keep saying things to you in your head. I started to hate going to school, I hated it I didn't want to be called names. Then it started happening on the bus. The older kids saw me as an easy target,and would take turns pushing me on their way out. I tried to put my backpack between us so it wouldn't hurt as much,they just did it harder.

     I remeber hiding under the seat hoping they wouldn't notice me. Getting on the bus to find a seat was worse. People would take one look at me and decide I wasn't worthy of sitting with them. I knew that look very well, the look of rejection. I tried telling a teacher that the other kids wouldn't leave me alone,but she still didn't listen. 

     My parents didn't know what was going on. What help could they be? They didn't know the language so they couldn't do anything. All I remeber was me wanting my mother, but I would only see her in the morning. Finally it was summer and I got away from all the torture. But at the same time the same.

    The kids in my neighbourhood didn't want to play with me because I was ''fat''. But why? I didn't understand why I was treated differently.Finally school was going to start soon. My father took me so we could do a little visit to see my teacher for the year.

    "Dawn hey! Can't wait to start this school year together again. Most of your little friends from last year are gonna be here!,"said Ms.Marshall. Oh the moment she said that my heart sank. As she started to name all of the kids that had bullied me the previous year. I wanted to run,scream,cry,be anywhere but there.

I was going to go through the same hell I went through last year,but the worst of all the kids,but the kid that I still remeber til this day is Marco. He bullied me alot more than anyone else,and he was not any better than me. I guess he thought if he picked on me, the other kids wouldn't pick on him. And soon school began and I wanted to die.

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