Chapter twenty-three

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The plan was currently in action, it's been a week since we came up with it. A week of Cayden trying to persuade me not to do it and everyone avoiding Naomi and Jordan.

We couldn't lie to their faces so we just had to make sure to see their faces as little as possible.

Mikey and Chloe had already set up the camera in our Spanish teachers room while I distracted him outside the door asking him for some help with the Spanish assignment he had given us the day before, being the creep he is I knew he would offer to help me after school. I agreed before leaving with an extra sway of my hips and flick of my hair.

I had already put on the most appropriate inappropriate outfit for the school day and put on a tasty smelling perfume.

I was currently walking with Chloe, Mikey, and Cayden towards the Spanish room.

"Amber this is the stupidest plan we've ever came up with never mind gone through with, there's still time to back out." Chloe says to me.

"I'm not backing out, this is for Naomi. I know she'd do the same for me if it was the other way around." I answer although I was nervous, I knew the plan was stupid but what could I do.

"It could be the other way around Amber this plan could make it that way." Cayden says to me, he hated the plan and he made sure I knew it. He'd been on to me all week about it, every time we would talk before bed or done anything before bed he would mention it to me and if that's not a mood killer I don't know what is.

"We've talked about this cayd, I'm going through with it and nothing or no one will change that."

"What about me? Can I change it?" I knew that voice, we all stopped abruptly before turning around to a pissed looking Naomi and Jordan.

"N.... What are you still doing here?" I ask.

"I was about to ask you the same question." Naomi answers. "Do you actually think I'm an idiot Amber, you've avoided me and Jord all week, all of you, and then your wearing that outfit to school I can put two and two together."

"I've also noticed the outfits you've been wearing to school and the absence of you in most classes." I reply.

"That's not the point."

"Isn't it. It's all because of him so I'm going to make him pay."

"What's your plan?"

"They," I point at Cayden, Chloe, and Mikey, "will explain it to you, meanwhile I've got somewhere to be."

With that I turn away and make my way to the Spanish room.

I knew that all of the group would be crowded in the janitors closet staring at the computer to see what was happening so I tried to calm my nerves.

I take a deep breathe before walking over to the door opening it and walking in.

"Amber, I thought you had forgotten."

"Never sir, I really need some help."

I flick my hair and bat my eyelids.

At the start I ask about the actual Spanish essay although I didn't need any help with it.

But I notice when he moves closer to me and his hand moves towards my lower back to pull me closer.

I look to the camera that's well hidden and subtly shake my head to make sure they don't come in yet.

When he pushes me on to the table and climbs on top of me I start to say no and to stop making sure it's loud enough for the camera to pick up.

I try to push him off me when his hand start to move up my leg and squeeze my eyes shut when I realise that the creep was moving a lot faster than I hoped.

Before I know it his body is yanked off of me and Cayden is holding him against the wall. I stand up pulling my skirt down as chloe and Naomi ask me if I'm okay while the boys try to keep Cayden from ripping the teachers head off of his neck.

I walk over to them and stand in front of Cayden.

"It's not worth it Cayd, this is on record."

Cayden let's go of the teacher and pulls me into him.

"I still don't think you should've done it."

I give him a small smile before turning to Naomi who was currently shaking.

"You tried to rape me." She says quietly enough. "What's wrong with you, you creep? You tried to rape me and my friend!"

"Oh babe, there's absolutely nothing wrong with me." He smirks.

"I thought you were drunk but your just sick." She says and Jordan goes over to her trying to calm her down.

"I was more sober then you babe, you were asking for it. Practically begging, did you not see the outfit you were wearing?"

"I said no."

"Are you sure?"

"I told you to get off me. I remember I wasn't drunk and I wasn't begging for it."

The door opens and in walk the police officers who I hadn't realised were on there way.

"David Averys your under arrest for the attempted rape of Naomi Campbell and Amber Stratford. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law." One of the officers say while cuffing him and walking out of the room.

"We need you two girls to come to the station and make statements, and then hopefully this will be over for you. Although you may need to tell your stories to the judge and jury." The second officer says.

Both Naomi and I agree and thank the officer for his help before he leaves.

We decide that Cayden will drive Naomi, Jordan, and I to the police station where we will make our statements and whatever else before meeting Chloe and Mikey back at Naomi's house.

We say our goodbyes before leaving for the station.

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