"Yes, I mean we have to get that promo, right?"

"Y-yeah I mean we do but you seem all for it when you weren't a while ago." Amini laughs knowing that he was right. She'd never pull something like this but at this very moment it seemed like her only option. Her mind, body and soul were numb to it in a way, she wasn't fully able to process what she was feeling or even thinking for that matter.

"Is that it." She mumbles removing herself from her seat. Jensen sits back in his chair and stares at the now publicity stunt of a couple; thinking of how much money the two of them would bring to their company once breaking the news to the public. "You're going to need a new look because this innocent look is not making the agency any money but, we can discuss that some other time." Amini stares into his green eyes that were beautiful yet terrifying and manages to let a four letter word fall from her lips as she takes a few seconds to compose herself. She looks up at Hayden and forces a amiable smile as she reaches for his hand, interlocking their fingers and lifting his hand to show Jensen that she was all for this and cooperating.

The two then walk to the steel door of his office, open it and step out. Once in the hallway Amini let's his hand go and gives him a shove. "Aye, what you mad at me for?" Hayden fixes his jacket and glares at the back of her head, desperately wanting the thump it.

"I'm not kissing you at all." She says clearly. "Good, i'on want ya' lips on mine." He laughs. Amini ignores him and starts speed walking down the hallway, the faster she was out of the building and home the better; she was in fear of her own safety and only felt safe with her husband but at the same time, she didn't even want her husband to touch her.

"Fuck." She murmurs once seeing paparazzi outside of the studio. Turning to look at Hayden, she bites the inside of her cheek, hoping that maybe he had something to say but he just stares back at her. "Fake it til you make it, ma" He extends his hand, waiting for her to interlock their fingers. Tears pool in her eyes as she attempts to take his hand into her's.

"I-I I can't, this feels like cheating." Having the slightest contact in an affectionate manner with anyone other than her husband felt wrong to her. The recent argument she had with her husband over Bella caused her to be even more cautious with everyone around her. The last thing she wanted was for Quinten to think that she was cheating on him. Even after marriage she felt like she still had to prove to him that she only wanted him and only him.

"Ma, how the hell is me holding your hand considered as cheating?" Hayden questions with the release of a laugh.

"I don't want to do this, I can't. T-there has to be some other w-way out of the studio." She stutters while her weary eyes look for another exit.

"You been acting real off lately. You been paranoid too, what's wrong?"

"This is wrong." She speaks, pointing back and forth between them. Hayden decides to drape his arm over her instead of holding her hand. "You good, you got this." He coaches her, slowly walking over to the glass doors of the studio. Amini nods and whispers encouraging words to herself as the two get closer to the doors, hoping that her nervousness would soon subside.

Her body soon goes into a state of shock once outside, flashing lights blinding her, people shouting from all directions. Trying her best to keep her composure until her and Hayden were in the clear but her body was in fear. Between her heart rate increasing and shouts from everyone surrounding the two she couldn't bring herself to keep calm. Those few words she said to herself were no use, she airways soon begin to tighten up, making the situation worse, scared that she was going to have a heart attack from the heavy pressure on her chest, tears begin to cascade down her cheeks. Heavy breaths and a trembling body. Digging her nails in Hayden's forearm as tears continue to fall from her eyes while the paparazzi continue to snap pictures of them. That act she put on for Jensen not even ten minutes ago was deteriorating as the two stood in the center of the commotion. Hayden tries to aid her but it was no use. His words became foreign to her and all she could say was her husband's name but even that wasn't clear enough for him to understand her let alone help prevent her panic attack along with a fainting spell.


This es a short chapter, I apologize.

How are you guys feeling though?

Also have y'all heard of net neutrality? If not it's a issue with it rn. As of now we have free net neutrality but on Dec 14th congress want to take it away forever meaning that our internet access will be limited also meaning that we won't be able to watch YouTube, Netflix, stream on spotify or freely surf the web without paying for it. This is a big issue bc our generation depends on the internet, sadly. College students need it for homework, people who are looking for jobs do as well since most job applications are online and even children need it for educational websites. It still doesn't seem real but then again we're living in trump's America so I advice you guys to sign petitions or text RESIST TO 50409 everyday til the 14th and save the internet before it ends up like Miss Keshia... fuckin dead.

~ soulsexual 💫

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